Speaking of Testament's new album

Originally posted by HippieOfDoom

Doubt it.

OH man..please don't say that. That would completely bum me out. My fav band has my fav bass player in it and they're not gonna showcase him?? I love bass guitar solos and being able to hear the bass guitar jammin in the background! I think Rush does that killer! Love that band!!

(thinking out loud here:D )

Ramble on........
Unless I'm writing the songs, I play what is asked of me. They don't ask for the style you guys are talking about. That just sneaks out live when I got a good buzz on.
Don't worry there's other stuff out there that's along the lines of that crazy style, and there'll be more to come...somewhere.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
Unless I'm writing the songs, I play what is asked of me. They don't ask for the style you guys are talking about. That just sneaks out live when I got a good buzz on.

So Eric and Steve Smyth mostly write the new Testament stuff, right?

Don't worry there's other stuff out there that's along the lines of that crazy style, and there'll be more to come...somewhere.

Like in Suicide Shift and/or on the final Control Denied album?
Well then, Eric writes it. I guess lately Smyth has been helping with the riffs or arranging or whatever, but it's mainly Eric's vision. Then Chuck brings in his input to influence the song further possibly. But since Greg there hasn't been spots highlighting the bass lines.

And where to find the crazy wacked out basslines we were talking about before? Well the new Vintersorg has a decent offering, but then again they pretty much pertain to the other parts and the song's mood. The Control Denied will probably have some wiggin' bass lines too, Chuck always made room for the bass to get a little adventerous. Suicide Shift, nah...it's really straight ahead stuff. I'm really looking forward to the new Dark Hall stuff to satisfy the need to go off.