SPECIAL Distorted WEDDING show 6.11.08

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Anyone of you interested in Israeli metal probably already checked out the band Distorted.
I guess there are also some people here that are lucky enough to know the band personally (funny& sweet people they are)
So as you might be aware Raffi from the band got married yesterday to his girl Shirley - many congratulations to them! :kickass:

And Miri- the bands singer- is getting married to her Belgian guy Sven on the 6th of November!! And since Sven is the singer of the awesome band Aborted, they are going to make it a METAL style wedding :headbang::headbang:

Check out the video they posted for the occasion- its hilarious :worship:lol:
More info can be found: www.myspace.com/distortedband

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Mazal Tov my friend !
I wish to see u again this year hopefully...
You're moving in too ? Coz on your pic there's soée work to be done in the background ;-)
Take care

I don't have time for the scene anymore...I rarely go to any concert at all, not to speak about metal.
I'm coming here sometimes to see if the new album is out already...apperently not
and well, I don't have time for forums either
yes I do...but that's all i like
no whips and bondage.

speaking of yes I do...your humble servant got engaged recently
after a year and a half together It was time.
Dude, the mazal tovs and congratulations are in order. And okay, Ill throw in the bonus arse kick. Hibukim to you and the lucky one by your side.
Ow and it me Nathalie logged in as Yannick- sorry for the confusion.