Speeding up a song in Cubendo


May 9, 2006

Is there any way to speed a song a couple Dbs on Cubendo? I also have Logic, and thought I could do it in there, but whenever i selected that thing to speed up songs up and down and record-enable a track, I got no sound output if i changed the speed of the project.

If there's a way of doing it in Cubendo, I'd really appreciate.

I forgot to say the song is already recorded. THe tempo track can't do that.

Can Reaper do that with its varispeed thing? I might try it again just for this function
ah, if you need to do it that way, then consolidate all the files (audio > bounce selection) so that they start and end at the same point (use a bit of silence), then go to the pool, click on the musical mode of the bounced tracks and then change the tempo.
Consolidate all files, starting/ending at the same part. Write down/remember what bar they end at.

Change to the BPM of choice.

Hit the 1 key twice so it has a little clock to the right of the pointer cursor.

Drag the end of the tracks (far right) back to the bar they're supposed to end at.
uhhh.... maybe im reading this wrong but it sounds like you are making it way too complicated.

select all audio tracks. right click. go to processes and select time stretch or something like that. enter the original BPM and the new BPM. process. takes a few seconds to process. done.

change the BPM of the tempo track to change the midi tracks if there are any and boom. you're done, and cubase should put all of the tracks in the correct place after the BPM of the tempo track is changed.
I knew this, but to be honest, i thought this would fuck the phase relationship of the tracks
Anyway, thanks Jeff, iHate and ahjteam..I will try that and see if there's any sound degradation