Speeed - Powertrip Pigs

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Speeed - Powertrip Pigs
Crash Music - CMU61166 - Feb. 7th, 2006
by Amanda J. Carlson

Speeed is another Jack Frost project that released only one album in 1999, which Crash Music is re-releasing for the first time in North America. Complete with two members of Annihilator, they deliver a raunchy collection of songs holding little substance, and therefore failing to hold my interest. With laughable song titles like “Monkey Brains” and “Crystal Meth,” I pretty much knew what I was getting into when putting on this album.

There are a lot of punchy and groovy influences of Overkill. The riffs are basic and repetitious, almost like something a desperate garage band would whip together in an effort to be cool. The song “Sin” is a messy thrash tune with a combination of screaming and clean vocals so out of place. And that’s screaming for the sake of screaming, not with purpose. They truly threw that one together without much thought. The last song on the album, “Ride Like the Wind,” is the only one worth listening to, but sadly for them it’s a Christopher Cross cover, not an original.

It’s no surprise that Speeed never released any more albums. They should have stayed in the garage as a cover band, since they can nail the songs of others better than their own. Each member is better off in their separate bands (Seven Witches, Annihilator, Spiral Tower), and should put this random project behind them. I know I will.


UM's Review Rating Scale

No official band website.
Crash Music Official Website