1. Where do you get your ideas from?
2. What experiences have you had with the Spheric Universe?
3. Have those experiences been good or bad?
4. The Spheric Universe, turns out the universe is actually flat like a potato chip, your thoughts?
5. How do you feel about String Theory?
6. What did you think about the String Cheese Incident?
7. Who are you?
8. What are you doing in my house?
What about asking them why they went power metal instead of keeping the prog edge they had on the first one?

Steve aka the prog snob :loco:
Great questions! I especially like, "What are you doing in my house?" :)

Stevie, one of my questions is about what appears to be a change in their sound from first to second albums. I like how you phrased it: "power metal instead of keeping the prog edge."

Anyone else?

The thing is that I absolutely loved Mental Torments but the new one still leaves me cold for the most part. I thought they had achieved a great balance between heaviness and prog in the first one with awesome melodies and this one just sounds cold to me. I like some power metal (Angel Dust most noticeably) but this fell flat for me.

By the way, you can say hello from me to Fred as we used to exchange e-mails when they put out the first one.



np: Billy Squier - Tale of the tape
If you cancel PPIX, who would you choose to be your replacement? :heh::saint:

All kidding aside. Anima is a great album.

1 question. What is your favorite cover song to play live?