Spider-Man 2...

Personally I thought the first one was one of the worst movies ever, but the sequel looks good for some strange reason. I'll probably wait for Netflix anyhow.
I enjoyed the first one, this one blew it away. Easily the best super-hero fight scene ever shot. It's captured the movement of Spider-Man they way I always imagined it as a kid, reading the comics. I can't say enough about part 2. If you're a fan, you're in for an amazing time. If you're not a fan, it's still a great movie, because there is a ton of development in the story line, and the people.
i thought it was gay, and the dialogue seemed to have been written by one of those seventh-grade ass-kissers who win all the writing competitions, and go on to deliver their high school graduation addresses and then become pregnant elemtary school teachers
Somebody really needs to tell me what's so damn great about the Spiderman movies because I just don't see it. It's summer blockbuster drivel, entertaining with friends, completely worthless if you spend more than 5 seconds actually thinking about the storyline. If by 'amazing character development' you mean Spidey and Mary Jane trying to figure out whether or not they should fuck then yeah, I guess it was pretty amazing. Seriously, I think that many people on these boards could have written this script.

Oh yeah, and then there's the part in #2 where Spidey just happens to find a whole trainful of really nice New Yorkers who aren't going to spill his secret to anyone. "Hey, honey, holy fucking shit, you won't believe what happened today! I found out who...ummm...oh yeah, nevermind." LAME.

Let's see, Doc Oc is told that in order to find Spiderman he has to contact Peter Parker. He does not know that they are one and the same. So, upon locating Peter Parker, he tosses a fucking car through the deli window directly at Peter Parker. Ok, let's think about that logic for a second. Had he SUCCEEDED in killing Peter Parker with said car he would not have found Spiderman, thusly, blowing his mission and not getting the materials he needed for the completion of his experiment. DUH! Oh wait, he was portrayed as a genius, I guess he knew exactly what he was doing. Silly me.

Sure can't wait for the next installment in this edge-of-your-seat thrill ride through the mind of a seven year old!
PeeWee1473 said:
Somebody really needs to tell me what's so damn great about the Spiderman movies because I just don't see it. It's summer blockbuster drivel, entertaining with friends, completely worthless if you spend more than 5 seconds actually thinking about the storyline. If by 'amazing character development' you mean Spidey and Mary Jane trying to figure out whether or not they should fuck then yeah, I guess it was pretty amazing. Seriously, I think that many people on these boards could have written this script.

Oh yeah, and then there's the part in #2 where Spidey just happens to find a whole trainful of really nice New Yorkers who aren't going to spill his secret to anyone. "Hey, honey, holy fucking shit, you won't believe what happened today! I found out who...ummm...oh yeah, nevermind." LAME.

Let's see, Doc Oc is told that in order to find Spiderman he has to contact Peter Parker. He does not know that they are one and the same. So, upon locating Peter Parker, he tosses a fucking car through the deli window directly at Peter Parker. Ok, let's think about that logic for a second. Had he SUCCEEDED in killing Peter Parker with said car he would not have found Spiderman, thusly, blowing his mission and not getting the materials he needed for the completion of his experiment. DUH! Oh wait, he was portrayed as a genius, I guess he knew exactly what he was doing. Silly me.

Sure can't wait for the next installment in this edge-of-your-seat thrill ride through the mind of a seven year old!

I'll tell you exactly what is so great about the Spider-Man movies... They are a form of FUN entertainment where you don't need to sit and watch it for its realistic substance. It's a COMIC BOOK movie. Do you really need to sit there and try to pick out what is realistic and what isn't? If that's what you like to do, that I would have to assume you be be a bit smarter then to go see a COMIC BOOK movie, knowing it will be suspending belief.