Spiffy's UK update


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter detailing the events throughout my most triumphant tour through the British Isles.

Here's what's happened thus far:

Went through customs at Brisbane International Airport.

Exchanged most of my money into pounds, but $100 into Yen in case I need it. Turns out I get 6000 Yen, which seems like a lot. Unfortunately, I go and spend most of it on Coke and M&Ms (the only two things I can read the labels of) and now only have a bit left which the money exchange chick wouldn't change.

Quickly get sick of the Japanese people bowing whenever they thank me for something. Also very impressed with how they seem to know that I can't speak Japanese, and speak in English for me. Australians would never do the same thing for them. Still, a couple of shop attendants spoke in Japanese regardless, and I just nodded and said thanks (I also noticed that I said 'Hi' a lot when being greeted, which probably confused them - "Why's he saying 'yes' when I haven't asked him anything??").

Cut to Heathrow. Somehow manage to find my way to my hostel, even though it involved changing trains and Piccadilly Circus. Had no assistance whatsoever. Also noticed that my normal ability to instinctively tell north from south has disappeared since reaching the northern hemisphere, which meant that I was going the wrong way down Regent St (TERRIBLE signage on the streets here!).

Went to Tower Records today, and was suitably impressed by the metal section. Not impressed enough to buy anything, though. Saw the 3-disc vinyl thing of "Rock in Rio" there. Also, when walking around I somehow got lost and couldn't even use landmarks as reference points, because a) there are five Starbucks within 100 feet of each other, and b) every old building looks the same.

Doesn't feel like I'm in London - feels more like I'm at Dreamworld or some other amusement park and there's a London-themed section that I've stepped into. Very busy place, though.

Tomorrow (or today, perhaps) I shall enquire about a bus to Cardiff, and might also do that touristy thing in the buses without roofs that go around all the famousish places.

Final note - I have no idea what I'm doing here. Not my scene.

Stay tuned for Spiffy's NEXT UK update!
Spiffy! You made it there ok :D

Did you stop over in Japan? All it said was you went through customs at Brisbane and then were overtaken by Japanese people somehow :lol:

South will now be North and vice versa, thats sorted then :)
Wait, no it wont, North will still be North, and so will South. Be south I mean. Oh crap, just ask someone :)
Behold the first missive from yon weary traveller Spiff! Glad to hear of your safe arrival, and the promptness with which you started visiting record stores :).

Now, most important of all, what's happening on the Bill? Australia is at least 18 months behind the UK, and that's really starting to irritate me...

Yes, I stopped overnight at Tokyo. Very big place - from the air it looks like a particularly complex game of Sim City 2000.

Haven't seen the fluffy-hat guys yet, and have no idea on what's happening on the Bill cos I don't care! :) Some geezers are probably getting up to no good, though!

Yesterday afternoon I also went to HMV and Virgin Megastore. No sign of the five-floor bookshops Dreamwatch seems so keen on, though!
The five-floor one is Foyles on Charing Cross Road, while the Borders on Oxford st is 4 floors - so go walking a bit ;) Haven't been to Foyles :cry: but Borders rocks :headbang:

Don't forget to check out Forbidden Planet, too!
Saw a 2-story WH Smith today (not sure where because the street signs are terrible! It was on the way from Trafalgar Square, though). Nothing special - just 2 stories of books I don't want to buy rather than one!

Done far too much walking today, so I'm not going to go looking for more stores. Maybe next time I'm here!

PS: For a country that was once the most powerful on Earth, their keyboards are really annoying. What sort of backwards country is this??

PPS: British people seem to take their old buildings and touristy places for granted - NOBODY was at Trafalgar Square this morning, but there were quite a few at Buckingham Palace (when I finally found it - take a map next time, Spiffy!). I thought I was in Trafalgar Square yesterday, but it appears not - probably would have helped if I had known what it looked like! Very impressive, though. Lots of pigeons.
Oh, and Wrathy, there was a thing on some silly morning show today about tonight's episode of The Bill - the HQ is firebombed or something and major characters die! Check the net if you want to find out what's been going on, like everyone else does! :)
Originally posted by Spiff

PPS: British people seem to take their old buildings and touristy places for granted - NOBODY was at Trafalgar Square this morning, but there were quite a few at Buckingham Palace (when I finally found it - take a map next time, Spiffy!). I thought I was in Trafalgar Square yesterday, but it appears not - probably would have helped if I had known what it looked like! Very impressive, though. Lots of pigeons.

Id imagine its a square :D

Whats the palace like? Is it true that you can run up and make faces at the guards and they dont do anything?
The guards were on the other side of the fence (that seems like the wrong word when talking about palaces... hmm) and up against the palace wall, so we couldn't make funny faces at them (well, we could but it wouldn't have done much). However, I saw them ALL move when they were marching around and stuff. If I had stayed for an another hour, I could have seen the changing of the guard, whatever that is!

Off to Cardiff today. No idea what's there.

Last night I went to sleep at 8pm and it was still daylight outside! Who knows what time it got dark??

Hopefully internet is cheaper at the next hostel I'm staying at - not counting on it, though! All out of £1 coins, too :(
Well, im never going to England now, if you cant make fun of the guards, theres no point :cry:
UK is a strange place. In a land where people can live in renovated 300yr old units and fell in awe.. yet we Australians give heritage listing to a 30yr old football stadium!!
I have to say that after being initially a bit put off on the place, I really like the UK now :) The people can be a bit miserable, but some of them are also brilliantly friendly.

It was my dream to always go there, but after tubing it from Heathrow to the city and seeing some of the grubby parts of the city I thought it was shite :lol: But I fell for it after a sunny weekend seeing the sites of London :) and the record stores ROCK!
I'm now in Cardiff. Seems like a nice place - wet, but nice. I only have accommodation for two nights, though (that's all I can get) so what I'm doing after that is anyone's guess. Maybe if I don't like it here I'll go to some other city, and keep doing that every couple of days until I go broke!

Bus trip was nice, and I'm finally getting my equilibrium back with regards to north, south etc, although at the moment I have no idea where I am in Cardiff so my instincts are of no assistance. I think *that way* (points that way) is north, though.

Ooh, and while I was in London I saw the following famous places that I haven't yet mentioned:

Earl's Court (the arena type place)
Palladium (the theatre type place)
London Apollo (is this the Hammersmith Apollo, formerly the Hammersmith Odeon??)

And that's all I can remember. Saw Cardiff Castle and Millennium Stadium today, though!
What's the Millennium Stadium like?

Can you go to Liverpool and say hi to my rellies, and kick Michael Owen in the balls for me? Tah.