Spiral Architect-Some crazy shit!

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Yeah, they are awesome.

I love the arabic-esque end to 'Cloud constructor', and all the little spanish breaks in 'Insect.

Fountainhead is pretty damn cool. Great singer.
Yeah SA rule, they surely do test the listener. Ive heard alot of their stuff but i still need to pick up their album.

There is a big Watchtower influence in with their music which is cool, any news on the upcoming "mathematics" released by watchtower after like 10 years of inactivity? I understand they will have a different vocalist. look forward to it. \m/
Originally posted by NeoN
Yeah SA rule, they surely do test the listener. Ive heard alot of their stuff but i still need to pick up their album.

There is a big Watchtower influence in with their music which is cool, any news on the upcoming "mathematics" released by watchtower after like 10 years of inactivity? I understand they will have a different vocalist. look forward to it. \m/
Watchtower will have the first vocalist, the one on "Energetic Dissasembly". No news from what u already know dude!
Jason McMaster is back singing on Mathematics. Jarzombek always takes forever to get shit done anyways.

Originally posted by J the TyranT
Jason McMaster is back singing on Mathematics. Jarzombek always takes forever to get shit done anyways.


Jarzombek isn't delaying anything; he is waiting on other people for both Watchtower and Spastic Ink. The writing of Mathematics is done, but they haven't started recording yet. They are also releasing an "Unreleased Demos" CD sometime.

It tooks me a few listens to get into Spiral Architect. The vocals were the hard part for me, though I don't really dislike them any more.
The SA album is good. Took me a lot of spins to get into it though. A lot of wankery going on there. Not that its all bad, but its wankery for the sake of wankery. A Sceptic's Universe isn't a bad album, but I'd be more interested in whether or not they can hone their abilities to write songs as opposed to playing over the top all the time just because the can. Its nice to listen to every now and then but I'll take a band that is less technical with better songs any day over a band that cranks out wankfest after wankfest...

They played at ProgPower USA 2.0 in Atlanta this past November and to these ears they sounded pretty bad. This is not a band that I'd make a gallant effort to see live again any time soon. The live sound was pretty bad all around and there was just no real appeal to these guys live, at least not for me.
Originally posted by KaptainKrude
The SA album is good. Took me a lot of spins to get into it though. A lot of wankery going on there. Not that its all bad, but its wankery for the sake of wankery. A Sceptic's Universe isn't a bad album, but I'd be more interested in whether or not they can hone their abilities to write songs as opposed to playing over the top all the time just because the can. Its nice to listen to every now and then but I'll take a band that is less technical with better songs any day over a band that cranks out wankfest after wankfest...

They played at ProgPower USA 2.0 in Atlanta this past November and to these ears they sounded pretty bad. This is not a band that I'd make a gallant effort to see live again any time soon. The live sound was pretty bad all around and there was just no real appeal to these guys live, at least not for me.
You got to see them live?:eek: lucky bastard!:cry: :waah:
Originally posted by Cthulu
i'm with ya kaptain! i had a feeling they'd be shit live...

Well, it's not that they were diabolically horrible, but compared to some of the other bands on the bill at ProgPower USA 2.0 I wasn't all that impressed. I don't really care for Symphony X all that much and I found that I liked them a great deal more than I did SA 's live show.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville

Jarzombek isn't delaying anything; he is waiting on other people for both Watchtower and Spastic Ink. The writing of Mathematics is done, but they haven't started recording yet. They are also releasing an "Unreleased Demos" CD sometime.

Well, I can say the reason his SI shit isnt done yet, is partially cuz he kept fucking around with shit before he "was done"... I. E. bass players, drummers, and keyboardists and guest spots and revolving lineups and not calling people back and yadda yadda and shit. ANYHOW....

Originally posted by J the TyranT

Well, I can say the reason his SI shit isnt done yet, is partially cuz he kept fucking around with shit before he "was done"... I. E. bass players, drummers, and keyboardists and guest spots and revolving lineups and not calling people back and yadda yadda and shit. ANYHOW....


Do you have some inside knowledge on this? I'm going solely off the reports from his web page which say that the main drummer for SI pulled out without doing any of the songs he was supposed to. I know Steve Digiorgio commented that he wasn't going to be on it and said "Don't ask" and Ron said "don't ask" as well, so it sounded like there was some bad blood. Whatever the case is I just hope it gets done soon :) If you do have inside knowledge and can clarify the situation, please do.

they suck..lose the midi bass

Who? Spiral Architect??

Uh... sorry to shoot you down, cheif. But Lars Norberg is their bassist......!

Where did you get the 'midi bass' idea from?

(....and if you were talking about Watchtower, it was Doug Keyser on bass.......)
Hey Jim... this is kind of another "dont ask" situation. Uhmm... find me on AIM or something if you want clarification.

TyranTc2k is da SN.