Spiral Architect


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2007
I feel spiral architect deserves way more recognition than they get. Those guys play like they are from another planet and if you think other wise…well I wont go there lol. I would like to know who all likes/heard of them….if you have not heard their music you should check it out. They currently only have one album but its more than enough to display their awesomeness. :headbang:
and they played a hell of a show at PPUSA II...It would have been nice to see them continue....

I hate that I missed that too. That may have been the last time that they ever play live again:mad:
They are working on a second album, but very slowly. I do love Spiral Architect. Some people think its wankery, and make comments like, "I used to love them when I was younger, and didn't know any better." But imo, their music had a lot of thought, vision, and substance to it. The notes were there for a purpose.
I like SA and then again there are a few things I don't like about SA, but overall I'd give a horns up :headbang: . I guess I just get lost with some of the things that happen in the music, but it never lasts long so I get into the music again after certain parts that just don't do anything for my ears.
Theres some serious Watchtower cloning going on with that band. Not necessarily a bad thing either.
Spiral Architect is pretty much on hiatus right now which sucks. Some members are busy with Satyricon, Borknagar, and Arcturus. While 2 of the members have another prog group called Twisted Into Form. Pretty good stuff considering they named themselves after the 2nd album from Forbidden.
I think it goes over quite a few heads. You just cant groove or headbang to it... haha.

However, it is an amazing display of musicianship and mechanical, technical metal! I definitely get my fix from time to time of A Sceptic's Universe...
They were quite possibly the worst band ever to appear at PP. It was unlistenable and unwatchable unless you are a total prog-head. I felt like crying whilst they droned and tinkered on and on and on...