"Spiralling Into Depression" video - FOUND!! :D


metalmetalmetalmetal! \m/
LOL. I'm surprised that this hasn't been mentioned on the forum yet. Not that it's been available for a long time AFAIK, only a couple of weeks actually - but there is indeed a video for SID and I's facking found it, too. It's online. It's downloadable. And it's also mislabelled. I don't know how it came to be but I think the good folks at Century Media made a mistake somewheres (actually it wasn't them, it was the people responsible for putting the video online that made the mislabelling mistake).

What is there to say? It's a half live performance/half scripted music video in color and black/white. The band played at The State here in Regina..... mmmmmm I'm thinking this was April or May of 2005... it was a Saturday and/or Sunday night show I do believe so as minors could be allowed to attend (reason being, someone correct me if I am wrong here - liquor in Asskatchewan and possibly Canerder can't be served on Sundays). I was there. It was a pretty damn healthy crowd, close to full capacity as I recall. And it was a live gig with a bunch of video people moving around on stage and probably in the rafters of the old State nightclub (now The Distrikt). And I remember the band performing Spiralling 3x so as to get enough performance footage for the video, too.

Oh :D and as most of you *should* be aware of, the video features Chris on vocals and Jim on drums (and of course Rob on guitar. Troy on bass; Scott had left about 3-4 months prior) and the best part..... a very very hippyish Tim Roth on front stage right, too.

So ummmmm yeah, that is that. I hope this is kosher with Marlies :wave: for me to be posting this here. If ya'all want the lowdown 'n skinny as to where it is and how to get it, you'll hafta join the Yahoo! Group. You can find the link for the Yahoo! Group in my signature or on the band's homepage - it's below the "Message Board" and "MySpace" links. :cool:

zmetallica said:
definately not on the yahoo group, but maybe he'll post a link or IM someone and send it? torrent file anyone?

Nope, it's not in the Yahoo! Group; actually, the file is pretty large - 168MG to be precise and would be impossible to fit there. Not that that entire file is the video - it's not, there's a bunch of other stuff in it too. I might get a friend to "cut" the video itself out of the file making it roughly 10 or 20MG and thus easily uploadable to say fileshare.de (for example) but more than likely I'll just provide the link so as everyone can download the file itself from where I first found it. Not gonna post it just yet though ;) I'm gonna keep everyone in suspense a bit longer. Really a shame considering this thread has had 106 views and only 4 replies to it. Ah well, beyond my control - what can I do? Trust me - it's worth the wait!! :D

don't compress it to 10-20MB that's way too small. a good file size is about 10MB a minute. i suggest making a torrent file out of it. i can help you with this if you don't understand what it is/what to do. i'm sure there are tons of people on here that want it, so it'll make things VERY easy this way. no expired bandwidth to deal with kinda stuff. i have software to create torrents with my own tracker and all... if you know anything about torrents, but yeah anyway. i have no problem waiting. btw is this like a bootleg live video? or like a professional promo video?

wasn't too long ago that this thread happened
Eh, I can edit videos so just give me the link and I will edit the other stuff out and upload it somewhere
zmetallica said:
don't compress it to 10-20MB that's way too small. a good file size is about 10MB a minute. i suggest making a torrent file out of it. i can help you with this if you don't understand what it is/what to do. i'm sure there are tons of people on here that want it, so it'll make things VERY easy this way. no expired bandwidth to deal with kinda stuff. i have software to create torrents with my own tracker and all... if you know anything about torrents, but yeah anyway. i have no problem waiting. btw is this like a bootleg live video? or like a professional promo video?

wasn't too long ago that this thread happened

It is *THE* official/professional promo video that was created for Spiralling; 50% of it is live performance footage shot here in Regina and the other 50% is a script of actors acting out certain parts/interpretations of the lyrics to the song. The former is in b/w and the latter is in colour. :cool:

i wanna know! i was there for the live part, wow it was fun even though we had to hear the song a few times in the same show haha yep, so the sooner the better...:)
a) got no clue how to access that video..
b) in regards to the last thread about the sid video, i tried emailing the band to see if we could somehow see the video... as of yet, to no reply...
the band (read Tim) is not too keen on having it out there, being old line up and such... but if CM puts it out there somewhere what can you do. Mark from the yahoo group found it on some website, but labelled as from another band. He wants to post the link in the group and/or on here, but we're both sending out some mails and bulletins to try and get more people to join first with the promiss of posting the link soon :) So whether that's fair or not.. that's why he's still waiting, but he will post it!
I will be posting the link very, very soon (I know I had said this earlier :erk: I promise you all that I will) and I do want to reiterate to everyone that it is not my intention to go against anyone's desires or preference regarding the knowledge/availability of the SID video; had Century Media not released it as part of a showcase of their roster (and assuming I myself had a copy of the video for my own personal viewing - which I did not) I would not had made mention of it anywheres and left it 'Buried In Oblivion' as it were.

Please don't shoot the messenger!! o_O

If nothing else there is some incredibly kick-ass music by Arch Enemy, Behemoth, God Forbid, SYL, Nevermore, Lacuna Coil, Immolation etc. etc. that you will be able to check out as well. I for one am very impressed with Behemoth - did not know that metal existed in Poland beyond a band called Vader. :D
