Split up Bands tournament

While being very proud and glad PQ is being recognised for their superiority it's a stab of pain that all this is going to waste as a broken up band :'(

The legacy...like the quest...must go on :kickass:
Even as a diehard Aquaria fan it was easy to vote for PQ. Great to see the love for the band there, some really nice comments! :)
It's always good to see good feedback about Power Quest. One of the most underrated bands I have come across. I still listen to their albums, as do most people too. For me I miss seeing these guys on tour. I have never been disappointed at one of their shows. I just like the whole relaxed vibe, no fans kicked off, everyone gets on with everyone and you usually bump in to familiar faces. Not saying I go to kicks where people kick off ha ha.
I have seen a fair few bands over the years, like most people on this forum, but for me, nothing even comes close to experiencing a tour/gig with Power Quest.
For example, the tour in which Power Quest supported Michael Schenker can't remember the year, I think it was when Al left and Pete was the new singer, it might have been at Sheffield? I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I wasn't impressed with Mr Schenker, he was late, and I got the feeling he didn't want to be there (just my opinion). I remember after when Power Quest had been on stage, and waiting ages for Mr Schenker to come out, me and my mates were chatting to rest of the Power Quest guys, having a laugh, chilling out, discussing other bands and listening to Clone Roses through the next room and thinking these guys are good. I could go on and on, I think my point is Steve, no matter what gig we went to all my mates always commented on the energy of Power Quest, how much they appreciate their fans and make the time and effort to speak to the fans (old and new) at the end of the shows. Not saying all bands don't do this, but I just think that Power Quest went that extra mile, and the fans were/are appreciative of that.
Loving the stuff with Eden's Curse as well though Steve.
Thanks Dave :) Yeah the mantra was "5 people in the crowd or 500 or 5000 it makes no odds, we still deliver in the same manner". I used to get pissed off as a youngster when bands didn't go the extra mile for the fans so I was determined that PQ would be different.

I remember that Sheffield show well....even Schenker's band mates were pissed off with him! That was the same night the key to our van broke in the lock and we had to fart about trying to get that sorted out :)
No worries Steve, I know what you mean. For me respect goes both ways, you and Power Quest always delivered :)

I lost very little respect I had for Schenker after that night. I have heard he has improved though. I bet that took a while to sort out with the van. At least you can laugh about it now, I bet it wasn't that funny at the time.
If I had to choose one tour that I wouldn't do if I had my time again, then that would be the one. His management were even trying to tell us what we could and couldn't wear on stage....which led to me and Andy both wearing leopard print spandex just to be irritating :)
I remember the spandex story now. I forgot about that. You guys still stole the stage that evening, as you did with your other gigs too.