
Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Do any of you own any splits? I own quite a few. I have all of Anal Cunt's splits, one by Cuntsaw and Sirhan Sirhan, and Insult split, one by Satan's Warriors and Psycho, and Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept Of Affection, a split by Altar and Cartilage. That ones very hard to find, but it's great.
Emperor/Enslaved - Hordane's Land (red version)
Honor/Graveland - Raiders of Revenge
Iron Monkey/Church of Misery - We've Learned Nothing
Kristallnacht/Blessed in Sin/Seigneur Voland - Gathered Under the Banner of Concilium

That's it.
I have a few...

At The Gates/Grotesque - Gardens Of Grief/In The Embrace Of Evil (if you count that)
Beherit/Archgoat - Messe Des Morts/Angelcunt
Grom/The Shadow Order - Sons Of Zeus
Grom/Sunwheel - Beastial Onslaught/Prophecies Of The Aryan Moon
Poison/Morbid - Into The Abyss/December Moon (bootleg)
Sin Origin/Velonnic Sin - Beyond The Cemetery Gates/Daemonized Dreams
Ulver/Immortal - Bergtatt/Promo 91' (bootleg)
The Altar/Cartilage is cool.

The best splits I've come across are:
Necromantia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins
Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Moonblood/Deathspell Omega
Here's my neat and organized list:

Anal Cunt/7 Minutes of Nausea
Anal Cunt/Meat Shits
Anal Cunt/Psycho
Anal Cunt/Eyehategod
Anal Cunt/The Raunchous Brothers
Anal Cunt/Flachenbrand
Anal Cunt/Insult
Angry Hate/Sloth (2 split EP's)
Cuntsaw/Sirhan Sirhan
Satan's Warriors/Psycho
Altar/Cartilage- Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept Of Affection
Deathspell Omega/Clandestine Blaze
Clandestine Blaze/Satanic Warmaster
Outbreak of Evil(with Toxic Holocaust, Vomitor, Bestial Mockery, Nocturnal)*7"
At The Gates/Grotesque