Sports fights

Sep 1, 2001
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dont you guys just love sports fights??? they are so entertaining to watch. i was just watching the bulls game earlier tonight and shaq started to throw punches at miller. that sure grabbed my attention.
Does anyone have a perticular sports fight that just sticks out in their mind above all the rest? For me, i would have to say when robin ventura got pegged by nolan ryan and ventura charged the mound. Ventura got his ass beat but thats besides the point. I guess that fight sticks out the most because Ventura was my favorite baseball player back then when he was on the Sox.
I think the dad vs. dad sports fights in the stands are the best! But not when someone dies, like whats been in the news
went to Chelsea Vs Tottenham Worthington cup semi final. a pitch invader went to the half way line, ran back and right passed me and my friend, another Chelsea fan throttled him, and then punched hima couple of times, then someone behind came down to fight the fat bloke for hitting another fan, took 4 people to take him away, then everyone started shouting at the fat bloke whose eyes went tearful. oh well.
Way too many hockey fights to pick out one favorite. ANd I alsways get a chuckle out of the typical baseball fight when the batter rushes the mound to attack the pitcher.
i have only watched soccer fights and the guys where pussies it was like a 6th grade fight were they push each other around and then one of then runs towards the other to tackle him and they barely hit themselves on the floor in places it doesnt even hurts like the shoulders, im sorry but i wanna see nouse jabs balls kicks and face upercuts, maybe a new knee on the stomach or toe on the knee to spice it up.

Ive never seen hockey fights, by the standarts i just said would i like them?
Wasn't the Ventura-Ryan fight in Chicago? That must of been embarrassing to get beat up by someone, twice your age, in your home town:eek:.

Probably my favorite soccer fight was when a judge/umpire/ref(whatever) raised the red card right in this players face. In turn, the player gave him a knuckle-sandwich!:lol:

The old hockey fights in the 70s were the best though. When hair-pulling, eye-gouging, biting, headbutting, etc were legal. Tons of brawls too. One of the more funny ones was in NY. A fan reached over the glass and grabbed a Bruin's stick. The whole Bruins team then climbed over the glass and went after the guy. Two players grabbed him, held him down while a third player removed the fan's shoe and beat him over the head with his own shoe! FUnny stuff.

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