SSD 3.5 Multitrack Kits?


Feb 9, 2006
Hello everebody!

I haven't been here for a while, so perhaps I'm not up to date about what's going on here...;-)

I searched the web and also this forum for my problem, but I seem to be the only one... ...or I'm just too stupid!

I just switched to mac and Protools 9 and I installed SSD 3.0 and the 3.5 update(including 3.5 kontakt player).
BUT now I've got one big problem: The so called "kits x multitrack" are no longer available in the 3.5 version. I managed to make a new default output file for the kontakt player and every Instrument is routed to a seperate aux track in Protools.
So far so good, but as soon as I turn up the Room Volume, I get the room also on the dry track and not only on the room aux!!!

What is wrong here??? I uninstalled and re-installed the whole thing, tried different ways of routing, but it's always the same!

Any ideas??? I really appreciate any kind of help!

Thanks in advance!