ssd + sonar


Jan 17, 2009
Hey guys, just received my steven slate drums. I downloaded a drum map that i use in sonar, the thing is the drum map is so small that I can't see all drums and cymbals without zooming in and out. This may be a stupid question but how can I make the drum map large enough to see all of the drums at once. By the way the drums are awesome, the grooves sound so realistic.
Hi, I'm on Sonar 8.

After you have choosen a drummap, you must select the drummiditrack> View> Piano Roll.
Also, choose Edit > Select > None to get rid of the selection.
Now you will see the Note Map Pane on the left.

Where did you download the drummap for Sonar? I wanna have it.

don't have the link, type in what I said in the 2nd reply and it should come up. I uploaded it here, no one has really answered the question about making the piano roll bigger.

This is what my drum map for SD2 looks like at the smallest zoom setting. There's a whole bunch of drums which I have so scroll down to get to, but I don't use them very often anyway. I don't know how many drums there are in SSD but I've gotten used to scrolling and zooming in and out a lot when writing drums.
yea mine is heaps smaller than that, I might be missing something, my whole drum map is as big as an audio channel.