St Anger


untruly evil
Dec 19, 2002
i've just heard the new metallicas song..:erk:. and i didn't like it. I've just heard it once... maybe with some time i'll learn to listen to the new metallica style. But so far i don't like it...

So, what's your opinion about the "nu-metallica"????
(and with "nu-" i mean the NEW metallica)
I heard the whole album and thought it was horrible. The drums and vocals killed it for me. There was one song that showed a lot of promise but I really can't get over how thin everything sounds. Yeah, it's faster than the last few but it has no power. I think Bob Rock has officially gone completely tone deaf. If they play the old stuff with this sound in concert, it's all going to sound like crap. Had I bought the album, I would have been very upset and sold it on ebay. I always give Metallica a chance but this (and the last few) time I will not be purchasing. There are too many bands out there that are hungrier than them and write better music now. Kudos to the band for changing the face of metal and giving us what they have but this album just plain sucks.
Personally I don't hate it, but I don't love it ether. Did they even have anyone at the mixing board? The sound is horrible. I'm amazed that a band that's been around as long as Metallica have would release something so amature sounding.