St. Patricks Day thread

You're both disgusting! Offing the SAINT's day with this filthy talk, ehh.

I might not drink Guinness, but I'm not cheap cause I drink Baileys instead, so fuck off ye both.

It's great to celebrate it in Dublin though :D
This past weekend was parade weekend, so it's just a big excuse for places like Scranton, PA to be turned into big, drunken parties with people stumbling through the streets at like, 10 a.m. It was fun watching the St. Patty's day parade half in the bag, though. :)
MoonsOfJupiter said:
This past weekend was parade weekend, so it's just a big excuse for places like Scranton, PA to be turned into big, drunken parties with people stumbling through the streets at like, 10 a.m. It was fun watching the St. Patty's day parade half in the bag, though. :)

Exactly! we used to do that, after a night of heavy tripping, drinking, and music, and then 4:00am breakfast at the Buttery, home to crash for a couple of hours, then up and out to search for coffee wading through all the parade people to get up the street to get to it. THen settle in on the curb somewhere with coffee, raw nerves, still wide open vunerable mind space, and eachother and our great previous night to ponder in the crowd.
ANd fantastic Baltimore killer school bands going by.
here patterson, theres a brazillian jiu jitsu club in mullingar now....zhoo zhhitsoo!! you could wear lycra just like tommy lee and no one would mind!!
Bambi said:
here patterson, theres a brazillian jiu jitsu club in mullingar now....zhoo zhhitsoo!! you could wear lycra just like tommy lee and no one would mind!!

Its getting proper multicultural here now. You wanna see Tescos of a Sunday, its like them old Benetton adverts
he he i was on the 13 outta ballymun with the ould lad and the upstairs was full of fugees, hes been outta circulation so he was shocked and barks "its like the transglobal express now!" he he it was like been in town with alf garnett that day :tickled:
should i celebrate st paddy's day considering me blood is just over 1/2 irish, yet i have an english accent'? i reckon so, so i had a good night pissed and tht, bollox, etc, et cetera
nomana-nuniyan said:
Exactly! we used to do that, after a night of heavy tripping, drinking, and music, and then 4:00am breakfast at the Buttery, home to crash for a couple of hours, then up and out to search for coffee wading through all the parade people to get up the street to get to it. THen settle in on the curb somewhere with coffee, raw nerves, still wide open vunerable mind space, and eachother and our great previous night to ponder in the crowd.
ANd fantastic Baltimore killer school bands going by.

Sounds like a good time. I always have fun when I visit Baltimore.