St Patts!

Feel_The_Force said:
You should only celebrate st paddy's day if your irish.

SHould is a word I dont like. I should be going to work every day, I should be responsible with my alcohol. I should be polite to strangers.
The Leper said:
got piss drunk at school, working from 5-9 going to a party at a friends, beers all around, drinks up the asshole
You mean like this?

There's an Irish Pub just around the corner, but then again I don't know anybody who'd join me on some green beers tonight. plus i ran out of money. sucks to be me.
BloodyScalpel said:
You mean like this?


My freind's mom owns an Irish pub in Hamilton. Id go and hang out there, but with there prices id probably be able to buy 3 decent beers. Not to mention have to deal with the bar's usualls (roudy and drunk on a normal day, cant imagine st patts)
Only decent irish bars are here and actually in ireland.

The fake bullshit all american irish bars have totally miss the point.

Plus...if ye's cannae understand "ha ha look at the pig in the pug there, ha ha he he" then you shouldnt be celebrating Paddy's day.

Eva...looks irish so, SCORE! :p
Final_Product said:
Plus...if ye's cannae understand "ha ha look at the pig in the pug there, ha ha he he" then you shouldnt be celebrating Paddy's day.

Well Im drunk right the fuck now, and the first time i got trashed with my friends was 3 years ago on St Paddy's. Im not much of a drinker, I only drink alot on weekends and get trashed with freinds and watch movies and whatnot.

But since St paddy's is the day i first got drunk and its a drinking day, I make sure to always drink this day, and have a good fucking time this day, and be with my freinds this day.

Irish, American, Africa, whatever, its a good day to be with your best mate and get fucking drunk. So Cheers to all, and Happy St patrick's day to you! Hold this sentance with you, if i ever meet you in my life, ill buy you a drink for sure :)

I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, because quite frankly, I'm not Irish.
And I don't even know who the fuck St. Patrick was anyway.
Don't worry, I'll google it.

Got it. Great christian reformer, converted a shitload of pagans. What a bastard.
Heavenscent said:
I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, because quite frankly, I'm not Irish.
And I don't even know who the fuck St. Patrick was anyway.
Don't worry, I'll google it.

Got it. Great christian reformer, converted a shitload of pagans. What a bastard.
the usual tendency to reject trendy foreign traditions doesn't apply here... THIS IS ABOUT DRINKING!!! for starters every friday should be getshitfacedLOL^__^ day. if everyone seems to do it on this day then HURRAH for great justice. you don't even have to dress like that peter pan fag from the forum fun gay pictures.
Four Star Hangover (****)

Life sucks. Your head is throbbing. You can't speak too quickly
or else you might puke. Your boss has already lambasted you for
being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze. You
wore nice clothes, but that can't hide the fact that you only
shaved one side of your face. For the ladies, it looks like you
put your make-up on while riding the bumper cars. Your eyes
look like one big red vein, and even your hair hurts. Your
sphincter is in perpetual spasm, and the first of about five
shits you take during the day brings water to
the eyes of everyone who enters the bathroom.
