Stabbing the drama - trying to recreate the sound


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
now this short clip is extremely unfinished (distortion, wrong playing, offkey at times, synths are fucked up etc.) but I thought I'd post the current status for feedback as I'm trying to get close to the Stabbing-sound with what I've got.

I'm particularly curious about what you think of the bass and the overall lowend on it. Thanks!
Damn dude that's pretty good. I would say that the bass is a bit too loud, compared to the original recording.

The guitars are pretty spot on, I am impressed... how did you do it?
I agree on the bass, gonna tweak it more. Also it rings out weird...
Guitars are Recabinet impulses quadtracked through Revalver hence the digital harshness.

Right now my ears are too wasted, will check back with fresh ears later on :)

Overall Stabbing is still a lot tighter in the lowend area, bitch to get right...
I agree on the bass, gonna tweak it more. Also it rings out weird...
Guitars are Recabinet impulses quadtracked through Revalver hence the digital harshness.

Right now my ears are too wasted, will check back with fresh ears later on :)

Overall Stabbing is still a lot tighter in the lowend area, bitch to get right...

The bass SOUNDS great to me, it just needs to be turned down a bit.

Also, there seems to be something off with the timing of it?

mind posting the revalver settings?
yeah dude post settings please because this is pretty fucking good. also its about spot on.
Awesome! This is very close! :headbang:
Would you share the Settings and tell me which recabinet impulses you used ?
That would be really kind of you :)

€: should read the whole thread -.-

thank you for posting it (later ;) )
Damn. Cant' wait for some details Abyss...and off course,your final mix!!!!!!


thanks guys. With fresh ears, I'm not liking the harsh sound to it though, I'm in the process of mixing this bitch and recording more tightly around this night GMT.
Settings will follow as I have them on my notebook which isn't right here atm. However, on Revalver I didn't do anything out of the ordinary afaik.
There's some C4 on the guitars to tame the peaks, on the 2comp SSL compression 30ms attack. Bass is DI with some softamp grit over it (Izotope Trash).
I will post detailed screenshots once I have access to the session. But keep in mind I still have like 50% to fix on this one ;)
If you make this sound even better and post settings
i will be your whore...seriously...:worship:
...And your old avatar was better XD...By the way, is the same chick?!?!

Cant' wait for details man! (Of the TONE off course Haha)
