Staff Picks of 2007

I'm disappointed to see no love for Swallow the Sun - Hope. Not the bands best effort (Ghosts of Loss) but still a fantastic album. Easily my best of the year.

As for power metal, there just haven't been many quality releases. The new Gamma Ray was a big ol' letdown, Helloween is over with and has been for years, Dream Theater have never been good. I want to check out the new Iron Savior because I'm sure that'll rule. Also interested to hear if Primal Fear pulled off anything worth hearing. Haven't been interested in much they've done for the past few albums (though I admittedly haven't listened to them much since Black Sun). Also need to take some time to listen to the newest Domine album.

For me, the year was spent listening to tons of old school heavy metal that I've been wanting to hear but just haven't taken the time to listen to.


The new StS was great. I don't know if it would make my top ten though. It certainly isn't their best IMO.
I rarely listen to prog, and I don't like power, so that explains their absence - at least on my end. The new DT and SX are good, but not great, I feel, so I left 'em off my Top 25.
Ah yes, he must be insane to have an opinion that differs from yours eh?
Checked and certified :lol:
Are you fucking insane? It's probably their best work so far! Most fans agree with that.

Have you even listened to it? :Smug:
Nah. I generally enjoy talking out my ass about things i have no knowledge of on internet forums. It gets me off.
i'm surprised to see Turisas mentioned so often.
imho, they're nothing more than a half-assed, wannabe-pagan, joke-band

one album strikes me as being clearly the one far above the others: Primordial 'To The Nameless Dead'
Has no one here listened to Slough Feg? High On Fire?

I'm flabbergasted that neither are mentioned.
I'd have to say there was one album that really surprised me in 2007 that I never heard ANYONE talking about ever.

Kaipa - Angling Feelings

In my opinion, this album is pure brilliance. The band has been around for decades, yet they sound better than most modern prog rock bands I hear these days. I haven't even heard any of their older stuff and I totally bought this album as a random buy, but I was stunned at how great it was.


Other than that, I'd say 2007 was a really dull year for music in general. I do believe 2008 will kick off with a bang though, with so many great albums coming out between Jan-Feb, etc...


the lack of Primordial is sad. i know it came out late in the year but ive played the son of a bitch atleast 20 times. its every bit as good as The Gathering Wilderness. dont know if its better but its right there along side it.

1.) Primordial - To The Nameless Dead
2.) Immolation - Shadows In The Light
3.) Slough Feg - Hardworlder
4.) Japanische Kampfhörspiele - Rauchen Und Yoga
5.) Kroda - Fimbulvinter
6.) Farsot - IIII
7.) Kronos - The Hellenic Terror
8.) Arkhon Infaustus - Orthodoxyn
9.) Lunar Aurora - Andacht
10.) Oakhelm - Betwixt & Between
11.) Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
12.) Krohm - The Haunting Presence
13.) Sigh - Hangman's Hymn
14.) Viaje a 800 - Estampida de Trombones
15.) Rwake - Voices of Omens
16.) Sickening Horror - When Landscapes Bled Backwards
17.) Sayyadina - Mourning The Unknown
18.) Corpus Mortale - A New Species of Deviant
19.) Obscurus Advocam - Verbia Daemonicus
20.) Glorior Belli - Manifesting The Raging Beast
I think out of all these lists, I most agree with GR's. I'm rather disappointed impaled didn't make more top lists, as that would be in my top 3, along severe torture's sworn vengenace (not sure why that one wasn't up there), and *cough cough* BDM. I don't care what anyone says, nocturnal was a great album. Hangman's hymn and fractal possession were such great albums as well. Killer year!