STAR ONE - Live on Earth (Russell's performance)

oh yes,, thats 4 sure.

I was speachless the 1st time I heard him, but I was FAR from speachless when I seen them live, accually I think I lost my voice for alittle while that nite..:loco:
Best damn DVD I've seen in awhile. Russ rules but so do the other vocalists, not the least is Floor and her sister.
I just got the DVD a few days ago and I was blown away by it! I had never heard of Arjen before so I didn't know what to expect from the music, but I really love the songs. I think Dawn of a Million Souls and Eye of Ra are my favorites. And is it just me, or does Russell absolutely steal the show? :)
Ciarrai said:
I just got the DVD a few days ago and I was blown away by it! I had never heard of Arjen before so I didn't know what to expect from the music, but I really love the songs. I think Dawn of a Million Souls and Eye of Ra are my favorites. And is it just me, or does Russell absolutely steal the show? :)

Nope I feel the same way. :grin: Personally I think Russell just fucking humiliated every other singer on the stage with his performance.
korruption said:
Personally I think Russell just fucking humiliated every other singer on the stage with his performance.

Because he's God or some other reason?

I think that after you see the concert about 20 times you notice there are ten other guys (and girls) on stage and they do a mindblowing job too. It's just that Russell is more than mindblowing and he kicks as vocaly and as a performer.
Actualy it was Russel`s Isis an Osiris vocal that impressed me most. When he sings "what place is this that i`ve arrived to", i thought is was someone else! I love Russel, he` s the one!
The live show is superb and all singers (and musicians) did a wonderful job. I think Russell stole the show because others are envious of him. Even Damian said 'behind the scenes' and at the end that he had a fantastic voice. It was obvious he worshipped him much like myself.
Saw the whole thing in it's entirety for the first time last night...why does it call up all these emotions? I get goosebumps from Dawn of a million souls, Valley of the Queens brings tears to my eyes, as does Eye of Ra....why? is it because it's obvious that everyone's having such a good time? I don't know...Even the pic gallery left me with something of wanting more.
Hi Everyone - I am new to this board. I am also long time HUGE russ fan!

I saw the DVD last night for the first time and couldn't believe my eyes - a spotless and emotive performance by Russ.
There were about 5 other people checking it out who have never listened to a hard rock note in their life...(shakes head) - the two girls were in tears from russ's voice! -
The other singers are also great - but Russ owns.

I think perhaps he has been influenced by a ( not so known) aussie singer called John Farnham? - very similar.

If your out there dude, thank you for doing that vid - I look forward to the day I can see Symph live with my own eyes.


Down in Aus.....:wave:
How's the "dawn of a million souls" guitar solo(I presume Arjen plays it)?
That's my favorite solo by Michael Romeo and the song just isn't the same without it, IMO:)