started mix new project, deathcore, deathmetal


Jan 2, 2008
Hi, please listen and write everything what you think about this ;)
this is first ver (next soon:D):

i recorded this band, drums, DI, vocals... with my 2626 and laptop in band practice room ;)

kick, toms slate, mixed with samples from drums, snare 50/50 sample (i can post if you like it, it is stolen from some album:D) and real snare in the background
gutars podfarm
bass podfarm ;)

drums are hard quantized and some parts of oh's are replaced with samples from kit (wickman method lol:D )

oh's sounds terrible but this is cheap mic's fault ;/

Hi, please listen and write everything what you think about this ;)
this is first ver (next soon:D):

i recorded this band, drums, DI, vocals... with my 2626 and laptop in band practice room ;)

kick, toms slate, mixed with samples from drums, snare 50/50 sample (i can post if you like it, it is stolen from some album:D) and real snare in the background
gutars podfarm
bass podfarm ;)

drums are hard quantized and some parts of oh's are replaced with samples from kit (wickman method lol:D )

oh's sounds terrible but this is cheap mic's fault ;/


this is bad ass :|
^It really is, very nice mix in my opinion, I like that guitar tone a lot. I'm not a fan of the vocals as much, but they're okay I guess. Mix is pretty much right on though, everything's right where it should be.
thx guys, i think vocals have too much delay and reverb on them, must correct this tommorow with fresh ears

btw, any tips what to do with distorted overheads? ;P