Started to push my clean vocals!


Hey guys n gals!

Let me know what you all think!

The 1 minute mark onwards is pretty much where I started stretching out my clean chords. Please please please let me know what you think guys n gals!


Longing the future,
Feeling the emptiness,
Embraced by fear,
What else can we do?

The silence was broken,
Long ago,
Patiently failing,
To grasp the known,

What we have left,
Lays on the ground,
A handful of ashes,
Our forgotten gold,
The price of all our lives,
Smeared between my fingers,

I know my time is ending,
Gone with the wind along the shores,
I disengage my feelings,
To sidestep the certain yet forbidden end,
I know,

I know my time is ending,
I hope I left you memories to love,
Now I'm heading for the open sky,
Please have something to remember me by,
Your cleans would be great for a rock project ;) Let me know if you are interested in doing en EP together, maybe we can do a project with some other forum members if there are any drummers/bassists around.