Starting a band


Oct 30, 2006
New York, USA
Hey, I was hoping people who are in a band could give me some advise as to finding musicians(in my area or not THAT far away) to start a band with. I have been playing guitar for over 5 years and feel I am advanced enough to start really looking, and my desire is more present then ever. Katatonia is definatly a real inspiration, and I know there are people here who have great bands. if someone can tell me the story of how they formed their band it would be really awsome. Like did you have to look online or was it the pure luck of findng people? I have played with other musicians before but that was more about being in the right place at the right time. like when I was in high school..these days I don't meet that many people so any advise would be greatly appreciated..thanks

cheers :kickass:
Go out and meet people, make new friends. Even if those friends aren't musicians themselves, just become somewhat friends and mention you're looking for musicians. If you do that enough, eventually you might meet some musicians through distant friends. Also, when you do meet a musician, even if he/she is horrible, stay in contact with them and try and meet musicians who are friends with them, because you never know. Also, look for a local internet forum for people looking for bands in your area, and look in ad papers etc... Make a myspace as well, and contact all the people you can in your area and let everyone know you are looking for musicians. Just stuff like that. Good luck man!
Go out and meet people, make new friends. Even if those friends aren't musicians themselves, just become somewhat friends and mention you're looking for musicians. If you do that enough, eventually you might meet some musicians through distant friends. Also, when you do meet a musician, even if he/she is horrible, stay in contact with them and try and meet musicians who are friends with them, because you never know. Also, look for a local internet forum for people looking for bands in your area, and look in ad papers etc... Make a myspace as well, and contact all the people you can in your area and let everyone know you are looking for musicians. Just stuff like that. Good luck man!

thanks alot! those are good ideas, I will definatly try those things.
Yeah, basically what YouMustFall said.
You can also join bands that are looking for guitarplayers. Even if it's not the music you like you might find some good musicians.
I take it none of your friends are musicians?
Yeah, basically what YouMustFall said.
You can also join bands that are looking for guitarplayers. Even if it's not the music you like you might find some good musicians.
I take it none of your friends are musicians?

Yeah, most of the friends I had known who played an instrument, I have mostly lost contact with....which I am sorry I did, so I guess im trying to start new and look for the best way to meet musicians...I know these things are not easy but possible to find people, or there wouldnt be so many great bands. so im trying to keep positive. I do agree with what YouMustFall said and definatly will try those things. I am also willing to play music that is not completely my taste either just to start playing with others. Any further help would be great, thanks guys :)
Yeah, most of the friends I had known who played an instrument, I have mostly lost contact with....which I am sorry I did, so I guess im trying to start new and look for the best way to meet musicians...I know these things are not easy but possible to find people, or there wouldnt be so many great bands. so im trying to keep positive. I do agree with what YouMustFall said and definatly will try those things. I am also willing to play music that is not completely my taste either just to start playing with others. Any further help would be great, thanks guys :)

Btw, what also works quite well is to go to your local places where musicians gather like a musicschool (ány school actually works pretty well) or a rehearsalplace and make a poster where you say you're looking for musicians A to play music style B etc.
All my band experiences are terrible. Finding three/four people that actually work together on a personal and musical level is like listening to Gothenburg music more than two minutes without falling asleep
Yeah it's terribly hard. I only have met one person with whom I can really write together and with whom I share more or less the same ideas about music..
You've got to be lucky and meet the shit out of people x)
I play in a stoner rock band right because I want to play and can't find anyone who wants to play what I want to play haha.
You usually have to start out joining a band that isn't really your thing, until something crosses your path that actually is (more of) your thing. Just go to places where musicians gather and what the others said above, advertize the fact that you're looking to join a band and/or find musicians.