Studio Band?


PowerMetal Nut!
Sep 27, 2004
Land Of Illusion
I would like to start a studio band. Since I am so afraid of performing in front of people. Would you think it is better to have every musician in the same studio or have them in separately? I was thinking of having musicians send me their tracks to me and then I would worry about everything later. What are your opinions? I would do a one man band and I am not good at drum programming.
try to get some stuff going and see what happens...
Don't be afraid to show yourself on stage or on the net...
i know a lot of top performers that really need to "load themselves up" before they dare to go on stage! Playing in a band is easy, you have always the others around you to "hide", whereas going as a solo artist on stage can be more difficult.
Build some confidence by doing studiotracks, soon the stage will be your next goal, trust me, IT IS addictive :)
