Starting my home-studio... Reaper or Cubase ?


Jun 15, 2010
Lyon (Fr)
Hi there !
So, after a month of hard work, I do have money to spend on nice stuff :D
I'm ok with everythnig except DAW : before tonight, i thought about buying the Cubase 5 EDU version (278€ on a german website.. ;) )
But I just saw the Reaper's website and shit, now I just don't know what to do !
I know that lot of Sneapsters use Reaper so it might work quite well but I don't know why but I feel more... trustfull (? Sorry, I'm french and my english quite sucks :o) with Cubase, even if it's probably not justified.
So I need your help : is there anything that Cubase can do that Reaper can't do as well ? Should I spend more money in Cubase or getting better mic, audiointerface, monitors by getting Reaper for 60$ ?
My needs are quite simple : a good-working DAW (I'm on a Macbook Pro) wich can use quite a lot of plug-ins, an e-drum with S2.0, and a small-but-nice audiointerface. I'm thinking about buying KRK Rokit 6 as monitors, good things for the price in my ears.

Thanks ! ;)
Personally, I find Reaper usually just works and it's never crashed on me apart from once, then the next day they released an update that fixed it.

Every time I've installed Reaper on a computer, any VST has worked, any plugin has worked and any audio interface has worked with it straight out of the box.
Essaie Reaper, ça vaut vraiment la peine. T'es pas obligé de l'acheter si jamais tu l'aimes pas anyway.

Faut pas que t'oublies que le traitement acoustique de ta pièce est vraiment important. Si t'as encore un peu d'argent à investir dans ça, ça serait bien; ça va faire que tes moniteurs vont sonner comme y sont supposés de le faire.
Personally, I find Reaper usually just works and it's never crashed on me apart from once, then the next day they released an update that fixed it.

Every time I've installed Reaper on a computer, any VST has worked, any plugin has worked and any audio interface has worked with it straight out of the box.

+1 except that i never had a single glitch.
Essaie Reaper, ça vaut vraiment la peine. T'es pas obligé de l'acheter si jamais tu l'aimes pas anyway.

Faut pas que t'oublies que le traitement acoustique de ta pièce est vraiment important. Si t'as encore un peu d'argent à investir dans ça, ça serait bien; ça va faire que tes moniteurs vont sonner comme y sont supposés de le faire.

Don't worry, I'm gonna spend money in acoustic treatement ;)
Reaper is absolutely amazing. I used to be a hardcore Cool Edit Pro / Adobe Audition guy, but most of the plugins that I needed wouldn't work. Reaper supports pretty much EVERYTHING and is a hell of a lot easier to use. The only downfall is it's ability for editing. You can zoom in really close and edit the beginning and ending of track, but it's not possible to do editing in the middle of tracks like you could with other programs. You can set a program to be a default editor to go along with reaper though, so you can use reaper's amazing support for plugins and ease of use, and another programs ability to edit.
Yes ! After hours spend on Reaper's website, UM and other places, my choice is done : I'm gonna download Reaper :D
Many thanks for your advices !
Reaper is absolutely amazing. I used to be a hardcore Cool Edit Pro / Adobe Audition guy, but most of the plugins that I needed wouldn't work. Reaper supports pretty much EVERYTHING and is a hell of a lot easier to use. The only downfall is it's ability for editing. You can zoom in really close and edit the beginning and ending of track, but it's not possible to do editing in the middle of tracks like you could with other programs. You can set a program to be a default editor to go along with reaper though, so you can use reaper's amazing support for plugins and ease of use, and another programs ability to edit.

This is mumbo jumbo, I use Reaper exclusively and edit faster with Reaper than I used to in Pro Tools. You can most definitely edit in the middle of tracks...