Starting to feel pretty hopeless (In need of an AE diagnosis)

Cryo, do you have the midi file for those drums?

Edit: Messing with those DI's I can't seem to dial out that nasty high end squawking, that's probably the pickups. Slap some EMG's in there and you'll be good to go.
The low end sounds huge on that! Any chance of some screens? (Unless you posted them elsewhere, I did look but couldn't find anything)

Drums are cool man, I like the fill before the riffs change.
It's probably cause you're mixing in pro tools or something. Get nuendo, it has so much more depth, and alot more headroom. It'll really make your mixes get that boom!
Those guitars still sound very sharp and nasty to me Dodo, way OTT on the high end.

So they do
Didn't really notice until I compared them with the clip you posted
I'll probably have another crack at this tomorrow
lol Not one bit.

But this is all good learning and it will cover me for a while till I can get myself a new guitar.
Ok, reamped guitars through the same chain as my 8505 clip....

Same as the ones Dandelium posted just with the highs turned down to something like 10 o clock. ..

Hey all, I just wondered if any one knew where this 8505 chain clip / dandelium settings could be found?? :worship: