Adding Bawlz to guitars?

Jun 22, 2009
St. Pete, Florida Folder/FourtyFour_Post-Mixdown.mp3

Whenever i mix metalcore, there seems to be a big lack of bawlz in the guitars.

Best way to go about adding some bawlz to the tone?

I'm currently using;

Tss- Revalver- Kefir- Post EQ.

Also, I'd take any advice really, not just ways to manipulate the tone.
Maybe things to change in the mix to make them sound more bawlzie?

New mix: Folder/FourtyFour_Post-Mixdown2.mp3
Cool riffs and gtr tone. Big plus one to what these guys already said. Maybe pick a little harder or add a touch more definition to your gtrs. They sound good but I'm a little disappointed to have to really listen to hear the playing, which is tight. I wanna hear the picking.
the rolloff is too much, either that or the tone is jsut naturally missing "crunch". That would help a lot in terms of balls. But my real secret for getting guitars bigger...tape saturation.
Get a really good bass tone with some drive.

I have the bass runing through ampeg on 1 track, and running through Nick Crow 8707 (or whatever the numbers are) on another.

So this bass tone has a good deal of drive. :/

Any tips for bass amping?

Cool riffs and gtr tone. Big plus one to what these guys already said. Maybe pick a little harder or add a touch more definition to your gtrs. They sound good but I'm a little disappointed to have to really listen to hear the playing, which is tight. I wanna hear the picking.

I REALLY agree with the picking, might be it. I usually tell all my clients to pick as hard as they can, but they never seem to be picking very hard.

first of all, "balled riff's"!, i found myself using great tones and having nothing to do with those myself... so yeah music first, then, the bass thing i guess.

I could see where you're coming from with the balled riffs.
Metalcore = not so "brutal". But the breakdown around 2:30 seems to have a good deal of bawlz. so idk.
Yeah it really has a lot to do with what you're playing. Since you checked out my mix, I'm sure you noticed that the more brutal part where the notes rang out sounded like the tone was better than the tighter, less brutal part, even though it was the same settings.
What are you doing post EQ-wise? (Specifics)
That could be potentially part of the problem too.
What tuning are you playing in?

Regardless of what people have said, I believe lower tunings sound bigger and "bawlzier".
I could be mistaken.

Btw, that breakdown that you played was dissonant(i believe), so it's naturally going to sound heavier.
Seems like a combo of not the best playing and using software amplification. Oh, and the guitars aren't tuned as well as they could be. If they play hard enough you'll also be able to lower the gain, which will give the guitars a little more attack.
Try out this trick for bass if you haven't:

Guitars sound a tad overgained imo, making them sound a bit distant.

You might also try to increase the pick attack by putting a transient designer on the DI before it hits your amp sim. Never tried it before, but could be useful.

I use 3 tracks for bass. lol.
Never seen that, but same technique, except there's on for mids using Ampeg.