Starting to learn using Logic Pro 8


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
I want to make the switch from Cubase to Logic Pro.

Any tips where start ?

A book, some videos, tutorials ?

Focalpress released a book on Logic 8. Anybody would recommend it ?
I find it quite similar to cubase actually - I switched over going straight in at the deep end and learned real quick. There's a good forum for tips but I'm on my phone atm so can't link.

Maybe some of the sound on sound tutorials will help too.

Congrats on logic 8 - I love it
congratualtions!!! I did the same thing one year ago and it was one of the best choices for a mac user:)
Alot of things are very similar, and easy to find.
The only thing I realy miss was the cubase shortcuts for editing drums.
I changed the shortcuts in logic and everything works fine.

On YOUTUBE you can find great tutorial vids, from a crazy redneck.
Very funny, very imformative, and easy to repeat!!!

If you have any real questions just ask, I will help if I can:)
when you get you're head around screensets and the environment, it makes slightly more sense
when you get you're head around screensets and the environment, it makes slightly more sense

with v8 you dont really have to delve into into environments much (i have like twice ever), and I don't really use screensets now that most things are integrated in the main window.

the manual is pretty huge, but I read through all of it to begin with and it put me in a good position for using the software.
Learn from me! I gave Devin a lesson a few months ago and he seemed to have a good time and learn a fair bit.

But if you're looking for DVDs, go to . It's owned by Martin Sitter, who wrote the book on Logic. Literally. Apple paid him to write the course material for Logic 7. No one knows more than Martin. I learned from his material and he's a nice bloke. I do business with him occasionally, as he's also a Vancouverite. As is Townsend. Weird...

Plus, two Lamb Of God albums were primarily tracked in Logic by Machine.

Logic = Metal.
Yeah, and he paid cash! Nice dude. Good change of pace from having to teach spoiled teenage girls without an iota of talent to use the program to become the next Beyonce or some shit like that. Downside is when he asked me to show him how you record audio into the program I had to mic up an amp and play. Playing in front of Devin is like giving a sermon to a congregation filled with Jesuses. Really intimidating. :worship: :worship: :worship: