Starting to Piss me off.


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
I know, i'm not the only one.
Everytime i see, hear etc, someone dissing Hypocrisy or PAIN they also say homosexual insults, and unmistakingly the people who most likely do this only listen to one type/catagory of music, which also, depending, makes your ego burst. (trust me i was that way, :wallbash:)
And so were most of my friends, who thankfully moved away.

I don't quite understand society anymore, globally.
Seems like the the middle 1600-1800s was a little more lets say nice,
except for slavery, and medicine Bullshit.
Now a days theres asshole every where you go, above you,under you,left, right, side to side etc, it's a fucking annoyance, and all this pre-armageddon shit happening, (hurricanes,Earth quakes,whack-O-murders) not much of a fucking suprise.

Oh sure i'm from Texas US of fucking A. yea so?
I don't hate my country, i just don't agree what we do is right.
Everyone feeds off peoples already miserable lives, but, like Peter says, it will come back and slap you in the face. i believe that... from experience.. unfortunetly..

Everyday we live, the ends just gets a little closer..
Austin is a cool place... most of the time. There are cool places in Dallas as well, but it just depends. Obviously if you've lived somewhere for awhile you'll think it's boring. I've lived in San Antonio now for 20 years, and I say it's fucking boring, but when friends come here they have a blast, go fucking figure. Even bands for whatever reason love it here (unfortunately I'm going to have to use these examples - Ozzy loves it here and the guy from Mudvayne says it's his favorite place to play.) I somewhat agree about playing here though, crowds have a good atmosphere when on stage.
lumitalvi said:
I hear you.
Everyone should be given a gun to use on assholes. BUT after that there would be no one left.
Life is shit, the whole world is shit. Just gonna have to deal with it.

You're crazy. One reason why the world is how it is, is that TOO MANY people own guns. They think they have so much power and it goes to their heads. Plus it's incredibly easy to kill someone with a gun. There was a lot less crime when no one had guns.