State your religion

What is your religion?

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: catholic, churchgoing

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Christian: catholic, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Christian: reformed, churchgoing

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Christian: reformed, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Satanist, Occultist or similar

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Taoist or similar

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Neo-Pagan, Wiccan or other Nature-related belief

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know / I'm not sure

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Christian: orthodox, churchgoing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: orthodox, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters


Apr 13, 2002
Following afk's very good suggestion, I am now posting a poll on religion. Please respond!

edit: rahvin, can you please edit the poll options? i have been unwillingly discriminatory against Orthodox christians due to the early hour (might be noon, but i just woke up). can you replicate the two 'christian' options for them?

edit2: to the germans, english and american: sorry for lumping you all under 'reformed', at least it's not straightforward 'lutheran' - difficult to list the variations, so the anglicans will have to accept that they're counted with the methodists. come to think of it the anglicans are catholics in disguise anyway. :p

edit3: rahvin, sorry for the bother, but i believe that the posters below are right - we need a don't know/unsure category and a neopagan one. silly me.
This falls under the agnostic umbrella, unless one is strict and takes agnostic to mean "God-facts cannot be known", which is basically just atheism not taken to it's conclusion.

I don't agree. The "I don't know/unsure" alternative would be for people who haven't made any decision about religion and agnosticism means that they have made the decision that they cannot know the answer. Atheism means that they have made the decision that there isn't anything like a god.

I'm a carrier of the agnostic umbrella.
I mean that I'm not sure whether I'm atheist or agnostic, but maybe you're right anyway. :rolleyes:

You're an agnosteist. :p

I put taoist or something close 'cos I sort of agree most with pantheism, although taoism isn't that similar to that, but it was the closest thing there. It's just less a system of worship which has physical demands and more an internal philosophy. I mean, I feel quite enlightened when I'm out in meadows in the sun or under a tree during a storm. Churches have quite a nice feel to me too because of their architecture and I guess all the religious icons still impress a sort of spirituality on me, but I'm definately more impressed by nature.

I rarely feel any more spiritual after prayer (which I have partaken in), but I do feel quite spiritual if I light some candles and incense and sit around with my acoustic guitar. I guess there's an element of ritual in that. Then I ask myself, does my spirituality and forfilling my personal philosophy give me faith? I only have true faith in the tangible these days but I don't negate the possibility that their is a higher power. I don't negate alot of possibilities because I recognise it's pretty ignorant to exclude anything that you perceive unlikely in your quantum universe.

My point is, I have beliefs and faith, but they don't allign with any one religion. I guess maintaining my spiritual being has been influenced by some religious ideas but very few religious practices... Pacifism for instance or going on personal pilgrimage.
Devout born again atheist.
There should be an "other" option, I also think there should be a "New Age" option, it's a nice poll nonetheless.

I'd choose New Age pehaps, because I seem to believe in some aspects of Taoism but not the whole thing, and New Agers tend to accept some concepts of eastern philosophies and/or religions...

I voted taoist or similar...
I mean, I feel quite enlightened when I'm out in meadows in the sun or under a tree during a storm. Churches have quite a nice feel to me too because of their architecture and I guess all the religious icons still impress a sort of spirituality on me, but I'm definately more impressed by nature.

This applies to me as well, but I'd still describe myself as an agnostic person.
I put atheist, but I've really given thought to that a lot lately... :Smug: .

The thing is, I believe in Mother Nature. Yes, as corny as it sounds, but I do believe that we all return to the Earth and then are part of other being :) .

I'm not sure if I'm really strating to believein that stuff as in "gods," e.g. the god of FIre, Wind, etc., but I do believe nature is almighty (don't think of this in the usual religious way though, 'tis different), but I do believe that we owe nature. Everything :heh: .

And I also believe that we are aliens :heh: .