State your religion

What is your religion?

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 25 39.1%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: catholic, churchgoing

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Christian: catholic, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Christian: reformed, churchgoing

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Christian: reformed, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Satanist, Occultist or similar

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Taoist or similar

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Neo-Pagan, Wiccan or other Nature-related belief

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know / I'm not sure

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Christian: orthodox, churchgoing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian: orthodox, non-churchgoing

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Yep. It's like living two different lives.

I know what you mean lad, I'm a Gemini, so sometimes the "other" side takes over and days after I don't know why the freaking heck I'm in Canada! :Smug:

rahvin said:
Everybody served now? Gee, this religion business sure is high-maintenance. Aren't you all just dark & gloomy Satanists anyway?

Haha no :p :lol: .

You seem to be in an awfully good mood lately, what happened? :lol:

Maybe I should take advantage of that hehehe :heh: :Smokin: :lol: :p .
Thine Plintus giveth glorious blowjobs for free.

--Arch 3:16
Everybody served now? Gee, this religion business sure is high-maintenance. Aren't you all just dark & gloomy Satanists anyway? :p
Seriously, you could have put just one orthodox option. I'm sure i'm the only one in here anyway. :lol:
Thanks for fixing it. ;)

the smilie guy said:
I know what you mean lad, I'm a Gemini, so sometimes the "other" side takes over and days after I don't know why the freaking heck I'm in Canada!
Sometimes?!? And it lasts for days? You don't sound like a true Gemini, man. I'm also a Gemini and i must inform you that there's a few hundred changes a day. They can last from a few minutes to a few hours. :p
I myself am a church going christian. And Dark Silence, you owe it to yourself to prove to yourself why God doesn't exist instead of letting outward circumstances decide it for you.
Well, I myself am a non-church going protestant. Still, despite my religion, I listen to a lot of death, brutal death, some doom, and stuff that can be considered almost satanic. I guess I'm one of those people who think God is a laid-back motherfucker who smokes a fat one with St. Peter and St. Dimebag every wednesday. If there's one thing I can't stand though, is when people try to push their beliefs on one another. I myself am very secure in my religion, I believe that there is a God out there, who is laid back and likes to sip some hard ass vodka with his angel homeslices. I'm sure people believe in Yahweh, or is Atheist, or believes the all great Satan in hell ass raping nuns or, say, Plintus. Nobody needs to push their religion on each other, which is why so many people hate it in the first place.

I dunno, I wish so many people weren't against religion, because in the end, it's really the people that did bad things, not religion. But whatever, people can believe what they choose to. Religion just helps to teach me the basic things in life; love thy neighbor, be a good person, don't steal, kill, etc. That stuff is important, all the other superfluous shit like "thou shalt not listen to devil's music aka metal" or "thou shalt not try to dress as a wolf and try to trick Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood" is just plain gay, and should not be taken seriously.
Of course we cannot know for sure what the truth is, i totally agree with that, but i believe that most people at least tend to consider one of the options more likely than the others. I see agnosticism as a refusal to take sides and to actually (try to) have an opinion.

As an agnostic, I certainly consider one option likelier: for me, the existence of a God-like figure - characteristics unknown - is likelier than its non-existence. So I'm not an atheist, right? Because they're convinced there is no such thing. Then again, how could I call myself a believer? I don't really have any kind of faith in this God-like figure existing: I just find it likelier, as I said.

To me, saying I'm an agnostic is not a cop-out: it's admitting I have no faith whatsoever, even though reason tells me a God might exist.
I hear ya rfe. you should see the looks on some peoples faces when I wear my GWAR hoodie to church haha. I dont do it for attention, it's a comfortable hoodie but yeah I think everyone should be laid back, God is happy I'm at church who cares what im wearing. I am a metal head for life and I also hate it when others try to tell me my music is that of evil or what have you. I think pushing religion on others is bullshit. Jesus taught through love and acts of service, not through fear (not to get biblical on everyone lol). Thats all I gotta say, thanks for letting me vent guys haha
That stuff wasn't already obvious to you?

Well, I don't know about him, but not in my case, no. I am under the impression that every person, according to their personal sensitivity and character, has a different set of traditional moral obligations that they find obvious without effort, but they're not the same for everyone. For example, I am a natural at not coveting other people's material possessions, and I was certainly helped by the fact that I always was well-off, so technically I did not need a commandment to remind me that I should not look at someone's car with the strong desire to appropriate it for myself. But I am absolutely not a natural at not coveting other people's partners, and if it wasn't for the relevant commandment I probably wouldn't give it a second thought. This is not because I do not understand that coming between two partners and causing them to break up is bound to cause pain - I do have that basic sensitivity. But my natural inclination would be toward competition, not compassion: I would feel entitled to give the best try I can to the snatching of a man I like from anyone, pain and sorrow be damned. Now, if you discount the fact that my attempts in that direction are always unsuccesful :Smug: , I guess that it's good that I try to go against my instincts and follow a set of superimposed morals.
I myself am a church going christian. And Dark Silence, you owe it to yourself to prove to yourself why God doesn't exist instead of letting outward circumstances decide it for you.
Trying to convert me, are you?
That wont work.
Anyway, could you prove that there is a god? not better than what you ask me to prove myself.

For me, religion is something made up by people to explain things they couldnt understand at that time. Its also be some kind of morality guide from the time it was written.
Trying to convert me, are you?
That wont work.

Why must people always have their heckles raised when confronted with questions such as the one he asked? I don't feel like the unwilling object of a forced conversion if an atheist tells me that in order to be honest with myself I should confront the option that God doesn't exist.