
It's kind of sad that someone who posts from the U.S. about seeing Anathema gets flamed so bad. All the person did was ask a question yet gets flamed about living here. YA I LIVE IN THE U.S. SO FUCKING WHAT?!?! I'm here to talk about Anathema, not world politics. Yes we ARE from the U.S.A but that doesn't mean we agree in all of our presidents policies. If we aren't seeing Anathema live because of our pres. that's pretty sad, don't ya think? It's bad enough we'e not even close to you guys (getting to see all the acoustic gigs!!) we don't need flaming :erk:
I wish other countries would stop backing down to the US all the time. Practically everyone (except Blair, that whore) was against this shit going down in Iraq. But what does everyone do? Not a fucking thing. Don't wanna mess up any trade agreements, do we. Pussies!
I've got nothing against Americans honestly, and its silly to bash this guy who's posting a friendly post here. But the problem is that I often get bad reactions from Americans since I'm French. Discrimination works both ways... And both should stop.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
I wish other countries would stop backing down to the US all the time. Practically everyone (except Blair, that whore) was against this shit going down in Iraq. But what does everyone do? Not a fucking thing. Don't wanna mess up any trade agreements, do we. Pussies!

Hey, Denmark's whore was for it too. We were even part of the war, don't you forget. Only half of our proud force (a corvette) only made it to the Suez channel before the war was over and the other (an ancient submarine) broke down because of the heat, but there was a really clever looking American officer on tv, telling us it did really important work patrolling the coastline before it broke down, :p .

After the war the US asked us for a peace force of 5000 soldiers, that's pretty much out entire standing army :erk: , they had to do with 510. The whole thing is tragically hilarious, we've had one casualty, he was shot by one of his friends who thought he was an Iraqi.

Anyway, I don't think people got the point of this thread at first, so that's why they went on to friendly taunting of America.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
wish other countries would stop backing down to the US all the time. Practically everyone (except Blair, that whore) was against this shit going down in Iraq. But what does everyone do? Not a fucking thing. Don't wanna mess up any trade agreements, do we. Pussies!
aye, we even had something to do with that war, although the country was against it..but did you know that"A U.S. Army General of Lebanese origin, often called the "mad Arab," has been appointed second in command of the American forces assigned to invade Iraq to overthrow President Saddam Hussein.
The Pentagon on Friday announced the appointment of Lt. Gen. John Abizaid as Assistant to Gen. Tommy Franks, head of the U.S. central command that conducts the war in Afghanistan and will conduct the impending invasion of Iraq."

hmpf :confused:
Allan said:
Hey, Denmark's whore was for it too. We were even part of the war, don't you forget. Only half of our proud force (a corvette) only made it to the Suez channel before the war was over and the other (an ancient submarine) broke down because of the heat, but there was a really clever looking American officer on tv, telling us it did really important work patrolling the coastline before it broke down, :p .

After the war the US asked us for a peace force of 5000 soldiers, that's pretty much out entire standing army :erk: , they had to do with 510. The whole thing is tragically hilarious, we've had one casualty, he was shot by one of his friends who thought he was an Iraqi.
haha :lol: great participation in the war, just like ours, laughable, man.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
I wish other countries would stop backing down to the US all the time. Practically everyone (except Blair, that whore) was against this shit going down in Iraq. But what does everyone do? Not a fucking thing. Don't wanna mess up any trade agreements, do we. Pussies!
It's not like Bush would listen to reason; he believes himself to be on a mission from an invisible magic man in the sky! What could they do except protest? Gone to war with the US? :Smug:
Dead_lioness said:
falconspirit, i didnt mean to bash you, i just read this thread after hearing so much shit about the states, sometimes its just absurd.

i appologize.
no need for that, i don't blame you:):)
the states is a great country, and americans are indeed very friendly people with an excellent sense of humor. i graduated from an american high school, so i had a lot of american teachers and that...i've had many american friends, in real life and online...

but this doesnt change the fact the usa government (bush is just a puppet, we all know that) is responsible for many deeds. and i can see (and i have seen) that most of the americans dont really support these decisions..WHICH IS GOOD.

dead6skin6mask6 - your avatar is from the labyrinth, eh? excellent movie, mate.
You guys should more likely nag tour organizers to invite them over there rather than the band to get there. I don't see they would have any objections when some organizer were to invite them to the States.
cedarbreed said:
I've got nothing against Americans honestly, and its silly to bash this guy who's posting a friendly post here. But the problem is that I often get bad reactions from Americans since I'm French. Discrimination works both ways... And both should stop.

I get pissed off when I hear other Americans bashing the French. There are many ignorant people who choose not to educate themselves or learn both sides of the story. Some of my friends went to a metalfest in Baltimore last year and a French band played (I can't remember the band's name). One of my friends talked to this band's singer for a long time and he later told me this band was really good. While they played there were morons heckling them because of the fact that they were French. I thougt that was pretty fucked up. Thanks to president bush, relations between our countries will be strained for a long time. It disappoints me greatly because I really wanted to visit France someday. :erk: