STEEL SEAL feat DC Cooper! mp3 sample

Hello Guys, I'm Marco, the Steel Seal's guitar player and songwriter. It looks like you've been joking a lot about our name... well, I'm gonna tell you how things are really: our name is inspired to an Alex Masi's album - to resist the "Attack of the Neon Shark" it takes at least a "Steel Seal", don't you think so? :lol:
Well, I too am joking, obviously. :) Simply, with "Seal" we mean "Signet", a "device with a cut or raised emblem, symbol, or word used especially to certify a signature or authenticate a document". We knew that "Seal" can have other meanings too, but in Italy its most common meaning is "signet", specially when it's used about music and arts (Ingmar Bergmann's "The Seventh Seal", the metal band "Seventh Seal", "Solomon's Seal" by Pentangles, and so on), so when we choosed our name we didn't imagine that someone could think of the marine animal. Well, now I see we were wrong, unfortunately... :cry:
Anyway, you are free to think that we are the metal band with the worst name, the most important thing is that you think we are the band with the best music, eh eh! :) I'm joking again, obviously, and I agree that "power metal masters" is a bit too much for a debut album, but Labels have to promote their product, you know... and after all, the songs sound really good and DC's performance behind the microphone is superb, so if you like traditional hard rock and neoclassical power metal merged in one exciting style, just listen to our album and you won't be disappointed.
Greetings to you all... and thanks to DrumRman and KingsGene for their kind words. Rock on! :headbang:
Ah, hadn't thought of that meaning. Now it actually sounds really metal. Although Steel Signet would be kinda cool as well and wouldn't create the same confusion.

As for the music, it's very good. Hope to see an album and tour from you guys soon.
Hello Guys, I'm Marco, the Steel Seal's guitar player and songwriter. It looks like you've been joking a lot about our name... well, I'm gonna tell you how things are really: our name is inspired to an Alex Masi's album - to resist to the "Attack of the Neon Shark" it takes at least a "Steel Seal", don't you think so? :lol:
Well, I too am joking, obviously. :) Simply, for "Seal" we mean "Signet", a "device with a cut or raised emblem, symbol, or word used especially to certify a signature or authenticate a document". We knew that "Seal" can have other meanings too, but in Italy its most common meaning is "signet", specially when it's used about music and arts (Ingmar Bergmann's "The Seventh Seal", the metal band "Seventh Seal", "Solomon's Seal" by Pentangles, and so on), so when we choosed our name we didn't imagine that someone could think of the marine animal. Well, now I see we were wrong, unfortunately... :cry:
Anyway, you are free to think that we are the metal band with the worst name, the most important thing is that you think we are the band with the best music, eh eh! :) I'm joking again, obviously, and I agree that "power metal masters" is a bit too much for a debut album, but Labels have to promote their product, you know... and after all, the songs sound really good and DC's performance behind the microphone is superb, so if you like traditional hard rock and neoclassical power metal merged in one style, just listen to our album and you won't be disappointed.
Greetings to you all... and thanks to DrumRman and KingsGene for their kind words. Rock on! :headbang:

Awesome, and you're welcome! I have the Japan release on order.

IMO a name is just a name. If the music rocks I could give 2 shits.

Welcome to the boards!
Thanks again, DrumRman, I'm looking forward to have your opinion about our album! By the way, I noticed that "By the Power of Thunder" has been included between the recommended items in the "Melodic Power Metal" sub-Board, "European bands" section, of the Diskunion website:
Well, it's a real honour for us to appear beside artists like Axel Rudi Pell, Primal Fear and Squealer... Rock on! :headbang:
Too funny. I didn't even think of animal seals when I first read this. More like, "sealed in steel.". Anyway, I like D.C. Cooper and that clip has promise, so it will at least be interesting to hear more of this.
Hi Guys, stop smashing your heads against the wall and hold on some more days, the European edition is about to be released! :lol:
In the meanwhile, the Japanese edition entered the Top Ten of the Daily CD Ranking at the CDJapan website and is out of stock due to preorders at the CDInzane website:
Rock on! :headbang:
Awesome! You know I got so many emails the first week I debuted you guys on my show that I played a 2nd track on this weeks show.

I know of 3 people that bought the Japan release after I told them they could get it at CD Japan. My copy should actually be here today along with DC's other band Silent Force Japanese edition.

Congrats on a fine album. I wish you lots of success!

Thank you, Johnny, thanks a lot for your kindness and your great work! :kickass: All the best to you and best wishes for your program! Rock on! :headbang: