
if you've heard new Nightingale... damn he really can. He's pretty versatile, stylistically. I mean, listen to Steel, then Unicorn, then Nightingale, then EoS...
I found this interview about steel

IL: Another man who you have been doing a lot of collaborating with these days is Opeth vocalist/guitarist Mikael Akerfeldt. Enlighten us about the traditional heavy metal project, Steel, you two worked on a couple of years ago. Did you ever release anything?

DS: Yeah. We released a 7" picture disc on Near Dark Productions called Heavy Metal Machine! It contains the title track and "Rock Tonite".

IL: Is the band still active and should we be expecting something from you guys soon?

DS: Steel is just a thing we came up with one day during the recording of Morningrise (Opeth's second opus) We were bored and Peter had gone home and Mike, Anders, and I had nothing to do so I suggested that we should go to the studio and soundcheck the drums some more. We jammed and recorded a stupid track "Guitars & Metal" that lasted for 1 minute. We had a laugh and we named the thing Steel and thought it would be forgotten the next minute. But one thing led to another and years before the return of the German Speed/Power Metal thing we recorded the demo that later was going to be the Steel 7".

IL: Please tell us who else is in the band and what part they play.

DS: I sing, or sound maybe... It's not very nice!!! Mike played guitar, Anders played drums, and Peter played the bass!
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Can someone please give me a link to a download that works? Pleaaaaaaaseeeeeeee!!! I've never heard this yet and I'm dying to hear this!:erk: :erk: :erk:
derbeder said:
of course it's a joke. 'so you die', 'eaten' etc. are hilarious.

well youre one of the few on here then.

the other day was a whole conversation with several people about how they dont like the guitar sound on bloodbath, etc. *smacks forehead*
NineFeetUnderground said:
i find it interesting how steel is clearly a "joke" band to everyone, but everyone seems to still take bloodbath seriously...:Smug:
Bloodbath isn't a joke...

Eaten is a "fun" track, however, it's pretty obvious that when Peter replaced Mike on vox, they were trying to make music for the sake of music and not for some sort of inside joke between them.
yeah those posts were a little silly. obviously it's supposed to sound that way. they were trying to recreate the guitar sound from early entombed, especially as found on left hand path. they even took some riffs from that album, eg. the first riff from the song 'drowned'
I dont understand how you can be surprised that people take BB seriously, but you understand how so many dipshits have taken Black Metal, as a genre, seriously for decades.
blimey said:
so many dipshits have taken Black Metal, as a genre, seriously for decades.

i find that pretty silly, too, of course ;)

bloodbath, black metal and all the rest of the gruesome death metal are there to headbang to, have fun to, laugh to and listen to...and of course the musicianship is to be appreciated, too. AND IT SHOULD BE LEFT AT THAT. NOTHING ELSE.