Riehlthing said:
forgot the refs in that. then it's nuff said.
Baby lost his bottle....How sad!!!! That's part of the game fag!!! I figured a smart guy like you knew that..But this is good at least while Holmgren is whining and crying you two guys could probably provide a shoulder for each other to cry on....Everyone who knows anything about football saw this coming so stop being a crybaby bitch and at least try to take it like a man.
I figure that's alot to ask a bitch like you....But try..
Riehlthing said:
forgot the refs in that. then it's nuff said.

yeah there was some bad calls. And the comercials were kinda lame this year too. It was a good game though. I am still waiting for the return of the Cowboys dynasty.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
yeah there was some bad calls. And the comercials were kinda lame this year too. It was a good game though. I am still waiting for the return of the Cowboys dynasty.
The Cowboys will be a dynasty again before Seattles next Super Bowl loss..
The nfl was making it up to the steelers for obviously trying to screw them out of the afc championship.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
And the comercials were kinda lame this year too.

Ahh, that´s what I love about watching the Superbowl on Danish tv! Instead of having to put up with commercials every fucking time there´s a hold up in the play, you get to watch relevant stuff, like this year, when there were small spots from all the previous Super Bowls...
(We have Morten Andersen, the former kicker, as one of the 3 commentators at the Bowl)
T_man357 said:
Baby lost his bottle....How sad!!!! That's part of the game fag!!! I figured a smart guy like you knew that..But this is good at least while Holmgren is whining and crying you two guys could probably provide a shoulder for each other to cry on....Everyone who knows anything about football saw this coming so stop being a crybaby bitch and at least try to take it like a man.
I figure that's alot to ask a bitch like you....But try..

He was right dickhead. You know the calls are bad when even the announcers can't believe what they are seeing. 18 points came off the board becuase of shit-ass calls. The Steelers didn't win that game, the Seahawks lost it and the refs helped them do it. That was the worst I've ever seen. Outside of two trick plays the Steelers offense didn't show up for the game and the referees were the Steeleres defense. Having home field advantage in the Super Bowl doesn't hurt either. Hopefully they schedule a rematch for next season so the Seahawks can pound them into the dirt.
This was posted elsewhere by a SEAHAWKS FAN:
Referees aren't the reason why we lost this game. This game wasn't lost because Roethlisberger was given a TD when he didn't get in the end zone -- it was lost because, three plays earlier, we had the Steelers at 3rd and 28 and let them convert. It was lost because we missed two field goals. It was lost because Michael Boulware allowed himself to get sucked into being in the wrong place at the wrong time on that counter that Willie Parker took for 75 yards. Seattle didn't lose this game because of a blocking penalty on Matt Hasslebeck -- it was lost because we left Hines Ward wide open on that reverse a few plays later. Believe me, Ward could've easily run the extra fifteen yards after catching Randall-El's pass.
Rozy157 said:
He was right dickhead. You know the calls are bad when even the announcers can't believe what they are seeing. 18 points came off the board becuase of shit-ass calls. The Steelers didn't win that game, the Seahawks lost it and the refs helped them do it. That was the worst I've ever seen. Outside of two trick plays the Steelers offense didn't show up for the game and the referees were the Steeleres defense. Having home field advantage in the Super Bowl doesn't hurt either. Hopefully they schedule a rematch for next season so the Seahawks can pound them into the dirt.
Maybe you two should get together and blow each other!!!! Crybaby!!!
Rematch?? in the regular season...Who cares?? they lost the one that counts!! The overrated chickenhawks making it back to the Super Bowl...That ain't gonna happen.....But why don't you hold your breath until it does....