Steinberg MR816x...Does anyone have one??

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
I'm really thinking about this one? But i can't find anyone who has done a mix and posted something......Which is weird as fuck...

i know a few of us here has said a few things but has anyone had any hands on with it?

Also can you use external pre's with this? i don't think you can :(

same pre's and conversion as the Yamaha N series so that good right?

cool lets hear your thoughts......i got to make up my mind soon
Yeah everything i read is outstanding........It just blows my mind how much Hate i read for Steinberg........I'm also finally going legit and getting Cubase 5......I have been using a pirated version of Nuendo 3 for yrs.....And i can't help i'm just really comfortable with the way stuff is setup in Cubendo......And i do pretty straight forward stuff, not alot of crazy midi stuff or anything...I just usually record straight uo metal bands.....and steinberg stuff works great...atleast for me......

James i know you are going for something a little new Liquid Saffire 56.....So i think i'm going to go out on a limb here and give the MR816x a try.

wish me luck
Personally it was a toss up between the two. I REALLY doubt you will be dis-satisfied, ill have read/watched all the things you have no doubt as I researched this interface as much as anyother and it really does sound great. When you get it, DO SOME CLIPS! Haha I doubt you will need it but good luck man!
I did the same thing and went from pirate SX3 to legit Studio 4 and I hate it, absolutely hate it. I've never felt so ripped off before in my life by any software program for any price - the fact that Studio cost me $400 just adds insult to injury. Its a bug ridden piece of shit program that crashes frequently and drops audio ALL the time.. as of about three days ago, it has stopped outputting audio to my Oynx 400F. Period, end of story, can't get it back, tried reinstalls of everything except my OS. I'm holding out and hoping that the free upgrade to Studio 5 will solve these problems. If it doesn't, I'm ditching Cubase, selling it and going to Reaper. So I get where the Steinberg hate can come from :lol: That said, I still want to try their interface, but that Focusrite unit looks very nice as well.. so we'll see.
Well hey, it can do anything any other DAW can do, but if paying the extra $150 for Cubase 5 is worth it to you so it doesn't feel toyish, be my guest! :D
I've heard some good stuff about this too... what are the differences between it and the more expensive model? And how well do these work without Cubase? I'm also like some of the above posters :lol:, used a pirated SX3 for years and it worked flawlessly. When I decided to get more serious about recording, I wanted a legit DAW so I bought Reaper. I love it and don't want to change it! Only thing I've considered is Logic, and that mainly because it comes with some (apparently) kickass plugins and mainstage.

I'm not updating from my FP10 + Reaper combo for a long time though, I can't justify it with my sucky abilities yet :lol: I just love GASsing for new stuff. Now I HAVE been thinking about switching the FP10 to a Profire 2626 because it has ADAT, so I could start using my ADA8000 for triggers, but that's another story...
The CSX is exactly the same but it has compressors built in along with the rev x reverb in the standard unit. Thats it, and yeah it will work in any DAW as far as I know.
Well hey, it can do anything any other DAW can do, but if paying the extra $150 for Cubase 5 is worth it to you so it doesn't feel toyish, be my guest! :D

I used a pirated SX for years, too, and fiddled around with pretty much every DAW there is. I liked Reaper considering how cheap and light-weight it is, but no matter how I tried to love it, it still felt a bit awkward and toyish to me, too. I recently switched to Pro Tools M-Powered, and seeing how comfortable I feel working in it, I can easily justify the 289e pricetag and the fact I had to get a new interface :)