Steinberg MR816X vs Saffire Pro 40


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
I need a new firewire audio interface with 8 mic pres. My firepod has broke once again after already breaking about a year ago so I decided not to get it fixed this time and just get a different audio interface. Which unit is more dependable? I'm looking for something that's not going to break down in a year or have numerous issues. I use cubase 6.5 and was thinking the steinberg one might be a good pick but it's 200 more dollars and does not have a MIDI interface built in like the saffire. Which unit do you think would be better?

Definitely the Saffire Pro 40.

The Steinberg has better pres and conversion, but it's known to have tons of driver issues. Guys that have managed to get them running stably seem to love them, but I myself decided against upgrading to one from my Saffire because of the horror stories I've heard. I've never had a single issue with my Saffire Pro 40 (moved to it from a Firepod myself) since I got it. Drivers are rock solid, and while I've found myself wanting to make an upgrade recently, I've also found that to really get anything worth upgrading to, it's going to cost me $2000+.
Never had driver issues with my MR816x but it has one very irritating design flaw.
The master output knob controlls the volume of ALL the 8 outputs at the same time.
So if you are reamping and you want to turn down the volume for your monitors then you
will also lower the reamp signal.
In general, it makes it very tricky to use outboard gear and Steinberg has no intentions of fixing it.
yeah I've heard people complaining about driver issues with the steinberg unit. I think I might just get the saffire. It is 200 dollars cheaper and comes with a MIDI interface as well which is something I'll need.
I really DOUBT that there's anyone who actually did an A/B test between those two units, so I usually and instantly don't trust these kind of threads unless there is an audio proof... (Sorry for being honest). On the other hand, I have a Saffire Pro 40 and couldn't be happier. Is it better or worse than Steinberg - I really don't know and don't care. Saffire is one hell of a unit, and quite stable too.
yeah I'm going to go with the saffire because of the price and MIDI. Also I havent read any stories so far about saffire being unreliable. The steinberg units I have heard numerous people complain about driver issues. I'm sick of having an unstable setup! Reliablility is number 1 for me now.
i also have a Saffire Pro 40 and i'm really happy with it - just wanted to chime in to say that, while i don't know what the Steinberg support is like but the Focusrite support is one of the most helpful i've dealt with, they've always come up with a solution to whatever problems i might have had within 24 hours.

that's not to say i've had many problems with my Saffire unit; i had some firmware corruption problem when i switched to OSX Mountain Lion, and was afraid they just don't support it yet, but they already had a fix waiting for me and now it's all good.
awesome to hear. I'm going to buy it today probably. Can't wait. I've been using my line6 pod hd500 since my firepod broke. :puke:
I had the MR816 and I always had tons of problems getting any VSTI to work smoothly, and I tried everything. Constant hiccups and stutters was normal for the unit. The final solution was to change interfaces, I went to a MOTU and it's been flawless. It's a shame because the MR816 was everything I wanted in an input device, it was simple, sounded great and it worked very well with Cubase. It's too bad because the hardware was amazing, but what is amazing hardware if they can't get the unit to work properly with their drivers.
well im glad to hear that because now I can save 200 dollars and have a MIDI interface. I'm going to be buying the saffire tonight. Can't wait!