Steinberg updates VST3 SDK; Oh man, this is GOOD news.


Anssi Tenhunen

Steinberg has released a new version of its VST3 plug-in development kit.

"This new VST3.1 update extensively enhances the technical capabilities of VST3 by offering important functionalities that dramatically reduce the development efforts," comments Timo Wildenhain, product marketing manager at Steinberg.

VST3.1 comes with two convenient "wrapping" tools, enabling VST3.1 plug-ins to be transformed into the Audio Unit format as well as – for older DAWs – into the VST2.4 standard. This allows a maximum flexibility and reduces the porting time. Further features are the support of MIDI poly pressure, a future proof Mac 64-bit test host as well as four new interfaces, including time accurate parameter group editing, delayed opening of the plug-in editor while loading a project/preset, "dirty status" allowing the plug-in to communicate generic changes to the host and several editor features like the set knob mode to open the about or help window. More sample code and an extended documentation rounds out the VST3.1 package.

Lepou, mac versions plz?
I assume the possibility to transform a VST to AU only applies to VSTs compiled for OSX as the actual compiled (windows-)plugin is .dll which most probably needs other .dlls to run. So you'd need something like Wine which i think is not what steinberg incorporated into VST3.1 ;)

EDIT: Although I'd really like to have Mac versions of them awesome ampsims as well :D