Stephen King fans?

Triumphant Apostle

Disciple Of The Watch
Dec 8, 2001
St.Paul, MN
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I just got his new book of short stories called Everything's Eventual. I read the second story last night called The Man In The Black Suit, and I have to say that one gave me the creeps. I usually don't ever get freaked out by movies or books, but that one got to me. If any of you are fans and don't have it yet, you should pick this one up!
I love you :notworthy

My mom's reading that short story book currently, actually she's spending more time trying to get through It 'cos I told her it's the best ever and she just can't get motivated to read through the gay people part, :lol: It seems totally unrelated to her as it did to me at first but it's relevant. If you like getting creeped out then you should read It. It's truly scary unlike the movie. The movie's shit.
Originally posted by DigestingGandhi
I think stephen king is a piss poor writer who has really good ideas. I love his movies though ;)

Yes. He has good ideas, then bashes them intot he ground by the midway poitn. Then it's a struggle to find the motivation to keep going.

Instead, you all should go read Blood meridian by Cormac McCarthy. Thats true horror.
he's a great writer, just over details everything just like Poe. But everybody seems to think that's the way things should be written. Great visualization, wish I could do that. I'm a blatant -tothepoint- writer and I don't think that will get me published. Hmmm...
King is alright. I've read The Stand, The Shining, and Thinner. I only really liked The Stand and The Shining. He's not a great writer, but he gets his point across, I suppose.

Clive Barker, however, rules all when it comes to horror. That man can get this creepy atmosphere going. He's my favorite horror author.
I love Stephen King one of my favorite authors. Everything's Eventual is a great book as well. He seems to have strayed away from a true horror writer and gone to a more human aspect to his stories, instead of writing about a crazy dog or car, hehe.
if you like king, you should read "The Gunslinger"

its one of my favorite series... mainly the first book. whenever i read it, i end up having post-apocalyptic dreams for the coming weeks... mmmm. The other books in the series kind of flounder at parts but are still good. Theyre the last books he's doing before he retires soon.

i think king is a good writer. he is prone to rather stupid, histrionic moments in his characters, but hey, maybe its just me who's dead to melodrama :)
I really enjoyed the two books he co-authored with Peter Straub, "The Talisman" and "Black House". The former remains one of my favorites of all time even now, years after reading it. For good horror, read anything by Caitlin R. Kiernan-- she's amazing. Clive Barker is a good one, too.
I'm currently reading The Talisman and the detail and history are boring the shit out of me. Hopefully it gets incredibly fucking fun at the end, otherwise I'm going to be so frustrated.

The best Stephen King short story I've read has to be Dolan's Cadillac in the Nightmares and Dreamscapes collection.