Stereo delay with one amp?


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
Hey guys, I've been trying to get a clean stereo delay sound with my Boss DD-20 (which does have a stereo out) through my Fender Blues DeVille. Thing is, I only have one amp that I am satisfied with the cleans on (which is the Fender). So how would I go about trying to get a stereo dleay with only one amp? I don't really want to double track, because I want that "true" 1 track kind of feel to it. I would prefer to keep it entirely hardware delay too with my DD-20. I'm not a huge fan of software effects.

For reference- The beginning of this video. (From what I know, this video is done entirely live in one take- What you see is what you hear. And yes, I know he is using two amps)
You need a "1 amp to 2 amp" converter.


Record your amp, get a DI in the process. Reamp TWICE with the delay on full wet, the first time through the left out of your hardware, the second time with your right.

Pan, boom.

I would totally be satisfied with the right delay plug, myself. But if you're into taking that amount of time to get the sound you want, then by all means.
Record your amp, get a DI in the process. Reamp TWICE with the delay on full wet, the first time through the left out of your hardware, the second time with your right.

Pan, boom.

I would totally be satisfied with the right delay plug, myself. But if you're into taking that amount of time to get the sound you want, then by all means.

This sounds like a solid idea if you don´t have two cabs/power amps, you should give it a shot
I have the DD-20, if you're just using the delay sounds (not the "warp" or "twist" effects) there's nothing it can do that can't be duplicated with a software delay. I almost never pull mine out anymore.

My delay of choice is the Waves H-Delay but any decent delay plug should do the trick. The Waves, Massey, and a few other delays do great replications of analog delay sounds as well.
I'm not a huge fan of software effects.

Boss DD-20 (which does have a stereo out) through my Fender Blues DeVille. Thing is, I only have one amp that I am satisfied with the cleans on (which is the Fender). So how would I go about trying to get a stereo dleay with only one amp? I don't really want to double track, because I want that "true" 1 track kind of feel to it. I would prefer to keep it entirely hardware delay too with my DD-20.

This amuses me :lol:

The first "D" in DD20 stands for digital
It IS a software effect. Only it's in a steel enclosure instead of in your DAW.

If you're determined to use the pedal then as has already been suggested you could reamp once through one side and once through the other. Or you could record one side coming out the amp and record the other side through a DI into your DAW, and then reamp that side of the DI back into the amp.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

...And I don't care if I'm politically correct. :p
I just prefer my Boss over the plug-ins I have and would rather use it. Anything wrong with that? ;)