Stereo Valve compressor for £250 ish


more metal, more booze!!!
within that pricerange I wouldn't get anything "tube"...
for that money SS is pretty much ALWAYS better than something with an alibi tube in it

I would tend to agree, in that, if I was buying any cheap outboard Compressors I think I'd probably look at the FMR Really Nice Compressor and RN Levelling Amplifer first.
Isn't that the difference between VCA vs. Opto? :err:

Opto designs use the input signal to light up an LED or grain-of-wheat lamp, and an LDR (light-dependent resistor) to vary the gain in response.

VCA stands for voltage-controlled amplifier - a control voltage is tapped off the input signal, rectified (i.e. all the negative half-cycles are flipped to positive), and smoothed by a capacitor to give a voltage representative of the input level. An active device (the VCA) adjusts the gain applied to the signal in response to this control voltage.

Feedback and feedforward topologies are separate issue to whether the circuit is optical or electrically controlled. There's lots of different ways to do it.

within that pricerange I wouldn't get anything "tube"...
for that money SS is pretty much ALWAYS better than something with an alibi tube in it
