Steve DiGiorgio's tecniques & best work


Mar 16, 2002
I have this site dedicated to the best bass players in metal (mostly death metal) and I just added Steve to the site, the problem is that I know almost nothing about his tecnique and I am only familiar with his work on Death so all information about his tecniques and which of his songs that most impressive are gladly accepted so I can correct the things I wrote about him since I fear that it does not correspond with reality.

Section 3: if you are interested
I have visit your site of bass hall of fame. having readed all of your descriptions, and I agreeing with some of yours observations. but I have followed Mr. Di Giorgio career quite close over the years. but if you knowing anything about his technique you would to know that he is sliding notes quite often because it gives him his own sounds as a master bassist in metal. and you have obvious not see him play on stage would to clearly knowing that he uses all fingers. I know its' three for sure. I see him use thum as well. but he was playing so fast with Testament with three fingers up and down the bass and not fixed on pickup as you saying. and Mr. Di Giorgio is not limiting to metal, no no... you need to hearing his fusion band Dark Hall. then you knowing how wrong you are.

HippeOfDoom: I take no offense since I actually came here is search for information so I could correct the errors that I might have made. I try the get things as accurately as possible and if you rather feel like slagging me for it then help out then you might as well fuck off.

Iylvana: Thanks for the info, I will correct this and this to my site today and I will also check out Dark Hall.
Originally posted by Coypu
HippeOfDoom: I take no offense since I actually came here is search for information so I could correct the errors that I might have made. I try the get things as accurately as possible and if you rather feel like slagging me for it then help out then you might as well fuck off.

Iylvana: Thanks for the info, I will correct this and this to my site today and I will also check out Dark Hall.

HEy copyu .....its me ..ThOo from Mx ////...i was wondering when id see you posting around here ......u dmetal freak ...hey ...i think you might wanna rethink your comments ...since the one you told to fuck off the one that could tell u the most about his own technique ...haha ...kinda funny actaully ..hehehe ......
Originally posted by TheHandOfOne
HEy copyu .....its me ..ThOo from Mx ////...i was wondering when id see you posting around here ......u dmetal freak ...hey ...i think you might wanna rethink your comments ...since the one you told to fuck off the one that could tell u the most about his own technique ...haha ...kinda funny actaully ..hehehe ......

Hey, nice to see you here. I think he showed pretty early that he didn't want to help out so I lost my respect for him there so I will focusm on the other bass players out there who have a better attitude instead. But if he want to give some info sometime I will add it too my site but if he expect me to kiss up to him he got it all wrong.
I liked the fact that you gave some of those guys some exposure, that's great, but the strength/weakness comments ??? come on !

1) who do you fucking think you are ?
2) get a life : If some guy plays a slow part, he can play it with one, two, three fingers or with his asshair, who cares ? I bet you're one of those geeks who go to gigs and talk about this and that part of this particular song, where you think the guy played something different than the record and you'll start talking about how the record is fake, and the guy can't really play it live, blablabla... PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASSES !

I love tech music, but I simply cannot stand its seem to forget what music is all about.
Coypu: You slagged me first... 'Mr.Expert'.
Dang dude, get all bent out of shape n'shit...
I just simply found your dedication a little humorous. Ya know, like Monty Python. I mean I read what you thought of my playing even though it was a little opposite of the way I perceive it. And then saw that you openly admitted that you have limited knowledge of how and what I've recorded. Yet you come across like you are an expert and carry your writings like hard fact with your strengths and weaknesses and such. What is that???
That's all man, to each his own ya know. I think very highly of all the others bassists you have on there, but as one myself, I'm not going to criticize their individualities. That's what makes them good in their own rights, their ability to do something different. But I guess there's things that don't fit into your world the right way. So you graciously let us all know about it.
I know this is out of character for me to respond to this sort of thing, and if you think my attitude is fucked - then maybe you take things a bit too serious. Perhaps you should focus more on the "cool" guys, the "technically sound" musicians who like self-proclaimed experts with limited info to critique what has taken them years to get with a few short, biased sentences.
And you know what, I will fuck off. Take me off of your inconsistent bass hall of shame, where things "do not correspond with reality". I don't deserve to be on there with all of those "Death Metal" shredders. Let me play my own shitty one fingered, two fingered, anchored to the pick-up whatever the fuck way you say and slur and slide notes and hearken back to the day I was a pretty decent trombone player in school.
I suck, and I'm proud of it!!
"Now go away or I will taunt you a second time!"
I have great respect for all the guys I write about in there and I think that you are an amazing player too. All players on my site are top notch and if I thought that they werent amazing I wouldn't have added them in the first place, and the few times that I actually think someone have a weakness of somesort I usually add "Otherwise a excellent player that does what he does with perfection. " or similar. And this about multiple fingers, people really take it the wrong way, my all time favorite bass player plays with 2 fingers and many great does it too I however beleive that in DM it is a plus to be able to play with more fingers since it is a speed demanding genre but if someone plays with 2 fingers it is fine by me.

And I thought it was very obvious that I share my ideas about the bassists that I like, not that I try to put them down and I must say that I have spoken to a few of them and they have all been very cool about it so I suggest that you try too realise that I just try to give some metal bass players some credit and if you do not like it then too bad but the overall respeonce has been great so I think I am on the right track.

I'm open for suggestions so if you want to contribute instead of compaining I will listen and change things if needed too.
Here you go, talking about fingers again... music is something you enjoy with your dumb ears...listen to it, enjoy it, analyse it for your own best interest, but cut the 1, 2, 3, 4 finger garb... don't you realize how anal you're being ?
Originally posted by Smartass
I liked the fact that you gave some of those guys some exposure, that's great, but the strength/weakness comments ??? come on !

1) who do you fucking think you are ?
2) get a life : If some guy plays a slow part, he can play it with one, two, three fingers or with his asshair, who cares ? I bet you're one of those geeks who go to gigs and talk about this and that part of this particular song, where you think the guy played something different than the record and you'll start talking about how the record is fake, and the guy can't really play it live, blablabla... PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASSES !

I love tech music, but I simply cannot stand its seem to forget what music is all about.

I enjoy the music of Burzum (this should answer all the things you just wrote.
I'm not saying that you're lame cos you only listen to so-called tech-stuff, I'm saying that you're being too anal about it. So what that you listen to other genres aswell ?
Originally posted by Smartass
I'm not saying that you're lame cos you only listen to so-called tech-stuff, I'm saying that you're being too anal about it. So what that you listen to other genres aswell ?

I enjoy lots of music like Black Metal, Death Metal, Ambient, Jazz, Fusion, Progressive, Doom, Classical ... ... ... so as you see, technicallity is not something I need to enjoy music.

You guys have also missed the whole point, I am giving credit bass players I like and just by adding them to my site means that I think extremely high of their bass work. I never meant to say anything bad about anyone there, I just shared my thought and ideas and if Steve think that I slagged him by putting him along with bass players like Jaco Pastorius, Tony Choy, Sean Malone ... then he obviously missed out that I actually like his work and consider him to be an amazing player but this doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion about his work and since I was uncertain about his technique I openly admitted it and came here to learn about it.
You are talking about steve digiorgio The best player in the WORLD!!! who are you compared to him go away and bother another person im following his steps and im proud of it TOO!!!!

The Archangel
It's great that you gave those great bassplayers some exposure..

But what's the point in mentioning their strengths and weaknesses the way you did it ? Why don't you just stick to describing their styles, add some info about their gear (even though this is getting a little anal too) and link your mp3s to that ?

Besides that, we're not missing the point, you seem unable to express yourself correctly and understand what other people say.

How many times do I have to say that I'm not accusing you of being just into tech-music ? It's good to hear that you listen to different kinds of music, I'm just saying that you should enjoy tech stuff the same way you enjoy other styles.
But why (over?)analyse and spread your thoughts the way you do ?

You should just stick to sports-stats and pick on players for dropping their averages of whatever puny unimportant area of the game. Lemme think of some swedish example for mr. Swedo here... ok(no stats involved though), Edberg ruled the planet in tennis for quite a while because of his great serve & volley game.
1)Are you gonna put up a site that analyzes his game to every little detail ?
2)Are you gonna write a separate section about his lousy forehand ? no sir 'cos he'd still kill most people with that lousy forehand.

ok, enough said. Feel free to go off-topic by saying that you listen to a lot of different bands.
Originally posted by Smartass
It's great that you gave those great bassplayers some exposure..

But what's the point in mentioning their strengths and weaknesses the way you did it ? Why don't you just stick to describing their styles, add some info about their gear (even though this is getting a little anal too) and link your mp3s to that ?

Besides that, we're not missing the point, you seem unable to express yourself correctly and understand what other people say.

How many times do I have to say that I'm not accusing you of being just into tech-music ? It's good to hear that you listen to different kinds of music, I'm just saying that you should enjoy tech stuff the same way you enjoy other styles.
But why (over?)analyse and spread your thoughts the way you do ?

You should just stick to sports-stats and pick on players for dropping their averages of whatever puny unimportant area of the game. Lemme think of some swedish example for mr. Swedo here... ok(no stats involved though), Edberg ruled the planet in tennis for quite a while because of his great serve & volley game.
1)Are you gonna put up a site that analyzes his game to every little detail ?
2)Are you gonna write a separate section about his lousy forehand ? no sir 'cos he'd still kill most people with that lousy forehand.

ok, enough said. Feel free to go off-topic by saying that you listen to a lot of different bands.

I stated my OPINION in my site if you do not like it then feel free to make a contribution by giving me good suggestions on improvements or you may even rewrite the text yourself, all I want is to give credit to good bass players so if you have something creative to say I'm all ears but stop whining about it!
Originally posted by ArchangeL
You are talking about steve digiorgio The best player in the WORLD!!! who are you compared to him go away and bother another person im following his steps and im proud of it TOO!!!!

The Archangel

I love his work and showed him appreciation for it and I came here so I could give a correct description of his tecnique and learn more about his work and instead of being helpful he acted the oposite way.

*note: there is no such thing as the best player in the world
At least Steve IS among the best bass players in the world. His work on Iced Earth's Horror Show is fantastic, on Testament's The Gathering he kind of... hmmm... seems to wander somewhere in the shadow of Dave Lombardo :D, but yeeeep, when you listen to the bass lines carefully, which can be quite difficult at times, one could say that album is also those of his best work.
Chill out people! I think we all just started out on the wrong foot here, in the end we're all on the same side.
So let's just let everybody enjoy their music in their own way, share and discuss your thoughts about them and maybe (hopefully) learn from eachother.

I think Coypu came here to learn more about Steve and with that knowledge build a better founded opinion of Steve's playing. So let's help him out, by discussing music, bass and bassplayers.
