Steve Grimmett – Personal Crisis


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Steve Grimmett – Personal Crisis
Metal Heaven – 00042 – 26 October 2007
By Chris Kee


So Steve Grimmett returns to the fray and the former Grim Reaper, Onslaught and Lionsheart vocalist is still in very fine voice indeed; the vocals as smooth and melodic and displaying as much impressive range as ever before. Steve is backed up by guitarist Ian Nash from Lionsheart along with bassist Ritchie Walker and drummer Pete Newdeck both of whom have previously played alongside Paul Dianno. Together this experienced team have laid down a strong album of classic hard rock which incorporates some elements of modern power metal. There are huge, melodic choruses in every song, but each track has enough individual feel to stop things all blending into one big sing-along. Indeed, quality songs like ’Freedom’ and ’Afterglow’ feature some nice dark and heavy riffing, absolutely suited to a good headbang. As well as providing some huge, powerhouse drumming Pete Newdeck has taken a prominent role behind the desk – alongside Dennis Ward – and the result is an exemplary production job, perfect for these songs.

After a single listen I was prepared to dismiss Personal Crisis as too ‘middle of the road’ for my taste but repeated efforts have proved very rewarding. There is an undeniable quality to these songs and some of Ian Nash’s lead guitar work is simply brilliant. There are still odd moments that allow the attention to drift but overall this is a highly commendable album of melodic heavy rock

Official Steve Grimmett Website
Official Steve Grimmett Myspace
Official Metal Heaven Website