Steve Harris' daughter... oh my...

First listen to her music, than decide if Steve can do wrong ....
(I personally think he can for that matter ;-)
First listen to her music, than decide if Steve can do wrong ....
(I personally think he can for that matter ;-)

I support that. I have to endure her pitiful attempt to music and pay $72 for it. I don't care how hot she is, so is Jeena Jameson but at least her doesn't torture people with her singing.

NP: Nasty Savage - 'Divination'
You guys act like you don't see women often...
The singing blows...
She's good looking, but as they say it's only skin deep...

Doesn't have to go any deeper then her skin to admire her beauty... besides the thread is about her beauty and not her singing... We always made threads about girls in the past so why not now and why not one of a Metal legends' daughter, gf, wife etc... I just think she is very pretty and has a killer body... me just being a guy .... :p
Can't complain about the visual side of things, but her music is terrible. I had to listen to her supporting Maiden on their Aussie tour and it was pathetic. She should not be supporting them, screw the fact they are family, they do not fit in on the same bill.
Doro is playing here in a couple of weeks. I want to see her again and (hopefully) get a pic with her but it's our wedding anniversary and I don't think my wife will go :(

Go, see the show, get the pic and then come home: honey you'll never guess what I got for our anniversary :p
Yeah but this is still a metal board, not miss Universe board :heh: and we admire girls that DO rock: Doro, Angela, Veronica, etc.

Yah, but those aren't as good looking as Steve's daughter... besides her father "rocks" (god i hate that term) so we can comment on her looks then... :heh: