Steve, I just gotta ask you this:

Pure Evil

Poison Godmachine
Aug 31, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
What was it like playing with Jon Schaffer and how did you feel about playing that style of music. Also, was he a big ego-freak?
Sorry guys, I don't have anything negative to say about this topic. Unfortunately, I don'y have anything positive to say about it either.
It was something I did really look farward to doing, and then it became something so far from how could I have even imagined it. But nothing can be gained by talking about it, so just enjoy the album and leave the behind stuff alone.
heh, somehow i knew you'd have a "neutral" answer like that. thanks for answering though :D

in my opinion, it seems like he limited you and richard on that record; at least compared to what I have heard you 2 do in other bands (Death, C.D.) which really blew me away! What do you think about horror show in general?