Steve Irwin dies in accident

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
This sucks...

THE Crocodile Man, Steve Irwin, is dead.

He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said.

It appeared that he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest, Queensland Police Inspector Russell Rhodes said.

He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary and that's when it occurred.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.

Mr Irwin was killed just after 11am, Eastern Australian time.

It is understood he was killed instantly.

A source said Mr Irwin was already dead when his body was brought onto the Isle.

A source said Mr Irwin's body was being airlifted to Cairns Hospital in North Queensland for formal identification.

An Emergency Services Response Management spokeswoman said they received a call about the tragedy at 11.11 am, Australian Eastern Standard Time.

The response unit left in a helicopter for the Batt Reef at 11.18am and arrived shortly after.

Mr Irwin was pronounced dead at the scene immediately, the spokeswoman said.
I only saw a few of his shows and it left me wondering why this rather hyperkinetic guy was so passionate about throwing himself on top of crocs. Then again just yesterday I saw a report of a guy in the UK who practically lives with wolves. In order not to be attacked and killed by them, he acts like a wolf himself, howling away and biting the lips of his erm... peers as they playfully wrap their jaws around his face. Yup...
So yeah, people like him and Steve Irwin are/were passionate, that much is clear.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Awww. :cry:

He was pretty kooky about his animals and did quite a few stupid things, but I liked him...

...unlike Timothy Treadwell.

Treadwell was a bit off a douche...
I always liked Steve and his outgoing personality and silly nature helped draw alot of attention to the causes and animals he was featuring. He helped draw alot of public attention towards wildlife stuff and alot of people, especially kids, learned alot from his adverntures. For that alone, even, he should be missed. I feel bad that he left two young children of his own behind, and a wife. The reports state that this wasn't a matter of recklessness really, that it was a rather freakish accident since very few people ever die from the sting of a Stingray. Such a shame.
What's ironic is that he was killed doing a kid's show because the weather was too poor to film Costeau's MOST DEADLIEST ANIMALS series. Stingrays are about as docile as creatures come in the ocean. It was literally the first stingray-related death in Australia in more than 60 years (might have been just as long worldwide).

All those vicious, venomous animals he hugged and poked throughout the years, and in the end a stingray he accidentally almost smushed kills him, in a panic, with a fluke shot to the heart.


ok these are in bad taste, but i got a chickle out of them.
I loved Steve Irwin. He didn't die instantly, he pulled the Stingray barb out of his heart, and then he died. Total badass. :(
affinityband said:
haha, i believe he effectively killed himself, as the when he took the barb out he ripped his heart. If he had left it in there may have been a chance of him surviving.terrible loss.

From Wikipedia... Contact with the stinger causes local trauma (from the cut itself), pain and swelling from the venom, and possible later infection from bacteria on parts of the stinger left in the wound. Immediate injuries to humans include, but are not limited to: poisoning, punctures, severed arteries and possible death.

Im sure the venom from the stinger directly into the heart was not a good thing either. I think either or, he was in fatal trouble.
leaving it in or taking it out..he was fucked either way. and most people's first recation when stabbed inthe chest with something is to pull it out...regardless if its the right thign to do or not.