Steve Irwin RIP

NineFeetUnderground said:
say something COOL thats british then instead. like "govena" or "rubbish".

or even constable. even though that may be tip-toeing around "govena". oh bollocks.

how about, "SHUT IT, YOU SLAAAAAAG!!!!"

Powers said:
"Up" the old apples, UP!

Besides which you don't say the full rhyme, just the bit that doesn't rhyme with the word you're getting at. Me old China - Old china plate - mate. The dog - the dog and bone - phone. plates - plates of meat - feet.


damn those cockney translators. Cockney being possibly the gayest sub-language ever to hit anywhere except for the 'emo/scene' way. Either way i hate both
Kir-ir-Bannog said:
how about, "SHUT IT, YOU SLAAAAAAG!!!!"



That's Lenny Mclean.
Like I said before, bare knuckle boxer (beaten only once in a 20 year career), championship weight lifter, King of the Doorman, shot twice, stab twice (all attacks came from behind) and went to prison 4 times, 3 on section 18, once on remand for murder (which it turns out had nothing to do with him and was just the police fitting him up for their fuck up), was friends with the Krays, Frankie Frazer and Frank Warren.

So yea pretty much the hardest man to be born ever, although if you read his autobiogarphy he comes off as real nice guy, who just had a very very hard life.

Ironically for such a strong vibrant man who wasn't afarid of anyone, he died of cancer in 1998.
well vic norseman doesn't exist, has a tea pot collection, is so rich he can look in games wizards magazine at the latest sega mega drive game and just buy it, has gloves that cost 50 quid each and just fucking awesome!

i win, no contest :p
He was diagnosed during filming. He died just two weeks after filming his last scene.

His autobiography's what's rekindled my interest boxing, I've barely picked up my gloves in two years. But with being at uni in a few weeks time, I'll be using the gym more often.