Steve Smyth Lead Axe Feb 27, 2002 1,038 17 38 Earth Jan 8, 2010 #1 Pretty bold title I suppose, so hoping I live up to that! Enjoy!
Pretty bold title I suppose, so hoping I live up to that! Enjoy!
Caveman Ninja It's a carnival... of monsters! Sep 11, 2008 2,814 17 38 43 Dolph Lundgren's Secret Island Jan 8, 2010 #2 Interesting stuff... progressive thrash aplenty! Yes please!!
Genius Gone Insane http://www.¯\(°_o)/¯.com Aug 19, 2003 5,722 18 38 San Francisco Bay Area www. ̄\(°_o) Jan 8, 2010 #3 Sweet! Can't wait to hear all the new stuff!!
messiah of metal Field Marshall Dec 10, 2004 117 0 16 52 Newcastle Uk Jan 10, 2010 #4 Dude if you ever get time it would be cool to get a run down of what gear you're using at the min or even a History of Smyth gear wise from Rumors to the present day.
Dude if you ever get time it would be cool to get a run down of what gear you're using at the min or even a History of Smyth gear wise from Rumors to the present day.
Vicious Robbie Faithful Neon Dreamer Mar 9, 2005 301 0 16 54 San Pablo de Heredia, Costa Rica Jan 10, 2010 #5 Good interview! Bring on the new Forbidden!!
Steve Smyth Lead Axe Feb 27, 2002 1,038 17 38 Earth Sep 24, 2010 #6 Enjoy!!!
MaryJ Bassist for Bedlam Galore Nov 7, 2006 207 2 18 Germany Sep 24, 2010 #7 a forbidden book? also: looking forward to oct 22nd
Steve Smyth Lead Axe Feb 27, 2002 1,038 17 38 Earth Sep 27, 2010 #8 Yep, apparently there is one in the works covering the old days of the band. All I know about it, all I have heard about it. October 22nd- get ready!!!
Yep, apparently there is one in the works covering the old days of the band. All I know about it, all I have heard about it. October 22nd- get ready!!!