Steve, Vintersorg Question


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Did you find yourself staying more in the background on this stuff, or are you going to be going for a fuller, more bass present sound (like Control Denied)? Just curious as I'm having trouble picturing Vintersorg with an up front bass presence (though it would be cool!).
Funny you should ask...
We just finished the bass tracks last night! I think it came out pretty good. I think Mr.V is happy with the way it turned out too. It was definitely interesting to play on. It's a total musical adventure, hard to put the sound of the album in one bucket and call it something. There's a lot of different moods on this one - so sometimes I'm in the background, sometimes I'm playing right along with the guitars and stuff, and sometimes I'm even playing something that's a little more busier and melodic than the other instruments on certain parts. I had to challenge myself creatively because it was important to bring the level of playing on the bass up to the level that all the other instruments are on. Mr.V really wanted to hear some cool bass stuff to go along with the extraordinary drum work too. I think there's something for everyone on this album, the songs are written really well. You should definitely check it out when it's done, I don't think you'll be dissapointed.
Well, it's gonna be one hell of a rhythm section- DiGiorgio+Mickelson! Did Vintersorg actually come out to the US for the recording of the bass tracks, or was he involved from a distance?
Nope, he was here. Stayed at my house and we worked on ideas together down at the Sadus rehearsal space. We tracked at the studio run by the Dark Hall drummer in fact, here in Cali. I just dropped him off at the airport actually, so he's in the air now going back home to the Ice Age land!
Ha, VIntersorg in sunny old Cali...that must've been cool....His first time on the West Coast? He seems like a real nice guy, from the emails and posts I've traded with him...
the third most awaited for me..... :D
and that's quite alot considering the big amount of stuff out this year!!!! :)
glad to hear DiGiorgio and Vintersorg got a long this smoothly, sometimes putting parts on others work is not that easy :)
